Let’s start out with the fact that I have bought the Lyanden book, but I haven’t read it yet. It is sitting on my iPad at home, damn. With that out of the way, MBG Rob writes a pretty scathing review.

Did you buy the New “Iyanden” Codex Supplement?  I did, and I am not happy with it at all.

This whole 110 page book only contains 2 pages of must have rules for 40k (written by Mat Ward).
One of the important rules is imaged above. I will give my impressions a bit later, but I just want to say- what else did he expect? It’s not a stand-alone codex, it’s a supplement.
Moving on Faeit breaks down the Dark Reaper heavy support options. Intriguing.
[youtube src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/y5Y1fYeffWY”]
Right now I have a Wraithknight, I’ll be getting a Fire Prism, and my third option is wide open. I will now be considering Reapers..