Apocalypse is on the way, there is no denying it. How bit will the release really be though? A few have their doubts. Image. All the rumors collected by Faeit 212

Via Warseer’s The Dark General
It’s a dual kit approx size of baneblade box, but taller model. Makes either the Deathdealer or Lord of Battles.

Also there’s a bunch of new data sheets, inlcuding some for those of us that bought multiple NEW models

It’s also NOT the only Chaos models coming out, along with a few other Khorne…speedy guys…

Approx price is $125

via Best_Pone
Let’s see now…
You’ve already seen the Chaos and Necron superheavies.
You’ll also get some fortifications – giant gun/missile emplacements and the like. These are also designed to hook up with the Wall of Martyrs terrain.
As well as the Apocalypse rulebook, there’s also a collector’s edition and a gamer’s edition.

via Opatija 
got some quick information about the upcoming release. It´s “just” what the employees were told, which in some cases is not very reliable:

– Apocalyspe is mostly about formations with some minor benefits for the “units”
– There will be at least 2 waves for mini supply (Some of the missing miniatures will be released when their own 6th codex is)
– Each army is going to get a super heavy, beeing asked about such a huge release, they were told to keep the Allied Forces in mind, leaving Tyranids aside (speculated as an Imperial/SM Multipart kit) which will hit at around 125,-€ (It´s quite possible that the Chaos thing and the Monolith are the only ones! And Baneblades/Shadowswords are accessable via Allied Forces!)
– A large/multi part piece of Terrain fitting to the “Martyrs”-Line (80,-€/50,-€/30,-€)

All in all even the Employees are not very excited for the release so better don’t expect to much when reading the rumours about those gigantic Release-Wave(s)

Gamers Edition – it’s going to include templates and dice but one very curious thing was said: “…containing a Apocalypse Rulebook in your language”
It was specificaly mentioned. I would not have thought GW might release a English-Only Book….but then i was reminded of Dfts…