We are going to be giving away a ticket to our May Valhalla. A drop pod pass. The ticket has about a 950$ Value.
You can get one entry by writing “Entered” in the comments on our Facebook album HERE
You can also get an additional entry by sending us an email titled: “Why I want to go to Valhalla.” The details of the email would need to include why you want to go to Valhalla, and you must understand that the emails may be used for promotional purposes.
Entrants are responsible for reserving and paying for their own plane tickets to Salt Lake City. Once there we will pick them up for the event and they will be taken care of until they are returned to the airport at the end of the event.
This ends Monday, the winner will be announced either late Tuesday or Wednesday.
This wonderful client contacted me in spring to start up his huge Adeptus mechanicus army for 40K. We talked about color schemes, and did some test models finally settling on this careful configurations. I can’t wait to send him the finished result of this painted warhammer 40K commission. I am happy to be one of the most prolific miniatures painting service in the US. In other news I had a great day today. My daughter age six saw a rainbow I think for the first time (we live in the highland desert).
Next up we’re painting some vehicles. They are going to look so beautiful!
OH, I can’t believe that I haven’t done an entry in three days.
Wednesday I spent the morning tying up loose ends at the studio and the afternoon at the MTC, which was awesome.
Things are proceeding apace with the studio Ork army, that assembly at least. Against all sense and reason I bought some models to round out the studio Imperial Guard army: three units of Kasrkin
I’m training some talented rookies down at the studio and I’m pleased with what I’m seeing. What else? I’ve been watching a lot of Scrubs and Stargate. Something on Stargate scared the crap out of Griffin, he was up crying at 3am the other night and he pointed to the Stargate DVDs.
So, I now only watch them when the kids are out of the room. However, I’m really in tune with Griffin and I intuitively knew what would help him sleep– I moved a little waterfall, calming sounds thing from the bathroom to his room at night. That worked like a charm. On top of that he’s been really sick with a fever these last few days. If it’s not better by Monday it’s off to the hospital. It’s really sad to see him lying there, listless. It’s funny because if we give him some medicine, as soon as he feels a little better he starts tearing around the place.
About the Trollbloods, they’ve fallen to low priority in Assembly so I won’t make Hordes night this Saturday. My wife and I are going out to Sushi with a painter and his wife instead. I’m really looking forward to that.
Today I had a rare in-person visit with a client which I really enjoyed. I’m cooped up alone in my flourescent tomb most of the time which is completely against my nature.
Picture: a mighty Ork Warlord, the leader of a mass of greenskins. This army was huge. The painter came in today as if shell-shocked. And after painting 190 orks you would be too! See my masterful narration.
Life is good. The long winter has brought clarity to my mind. They sky is like a great dome of pale blue ice. When I got home tonight, the mountain wind was pulling curtains of powder from the roof of the house. It was unreal.
I got up this morning to find the two boys watching Storm Hawks. Tamie and I were having fun with oranges, showing Griffin how to do an “orange smile”. I wolfed down some OJ, and milk with five Oreos and headed to the studio.
After doing some of my regular work, I headed to the MTC to translate into Spanish. I’m going on a different day now. I always feel uplifted coming out of that place.
I am a bit behind in my email Inbox. I have about thirty emails to respond to, so bear with me. It’s been a good week!
Everyone is gearing up for the paint fest this weekend. I’m painting up an Amazon blood bowl team as a favor for a friend, plus some Sentinels for the Lions rampant.
The following projects are in digital photography:
Arctic Tyranids 01 JS
Ultramarines 01 JD (for alterations, which are done)
Warmaster Bretonnians are still getting some extra loving attention!
My wife came in this afternoon and got out like six packages. There’s on straggler (Nurgle 01 BH) going out tomorrow.
Right now, I’m working on my laptop in the living room. The kids are all in their jammies watching Pokemon. Everyone has had a big day!
Had a tremendous time at Grand Tournament in Lehi UT. First off a huge huge hats off to Game Grid and Lou Rollins for putting on a great show (did I forget someone?) This was my first time at Game Grid and it’s an impressive location with a top notch game area. My son and I got out of the house at 8am sharp and with good traffic we arrived a half hour early.
As we were waiting and watching people filter in, I got out my army to review my list, and to my horror I found that I didn’t pack the five Scarab Swarms that I added to my force. Gah! Thanks to the friendly staff at Game Grid I was able to get a box with three swarms in there, and with some creativity Jonah and I managed to stretch assemble and paint them in about ten minutes. Saved. My first game was against Chuck Burns with his exquisite Custodes. What great fortune to have such a personable opponent.
We then went to lunch at McDonalds. I like filet o fish with extra cheese. Asking for extra cheese on things makes them have to create it fresh and not off the heating rack. There’s a dad-level life-hack for you. Jonah went up against one of the best players in the state in his first round Nick Wenker and got body-slammed 90-25. A great learning experience. It’s always a privilege to go up against one of the greats.
Second game against wargaming local Aaron Fyffe with an unusual list: Dark Angels with five drop pods and some old-marines. Oh and a hammerfist of terminators. It was brutal. As usual, I played like an ignoramus: forgetting my secondaries, mis-positioning units, improper screening and so forth. God, how can I have played this game so long and still be so bad at it? And I’m actually trying nowadays, that’s the worst part.
Third game was the most interesting. Having lost two games I thought to myself “at last, here among the dregs, I can scrape up a win!” Alas not to be so. I was up against Matt Toman of Las Vegas and what I now call his “Fireline” army of Tzeentch horrors. No Lords of Change, just a crap-ton of horrors. He had over a thousand points of reinforcements. It was a list and a strategy worthy of a whole article in itself, and clearly he played it very well, maneuvering with ease, never missing a beat with coherency. Basically, the list moves forward with a huge line of thirty Pink Horrors. This unit does not get smaller. With Blues popping in, at one time it was fifty models strong, and stretched across the board holding four out of five objectives, and unless you Fly, you are not getting across that line. I hammered that unit for four turns before it started to crack. But by that time I had lost 90-45.
I only report wins and losses as a matter of interest. Fundamentally, I just enjoy the game. Jonah also had a game with a perfect 100, so maybe talent skips a generation.
By 7:30pm I was just beat from standing on concrete for ten hours. Next time, I’m going to wear better shoes. Improving a little each time. Once home I spent some time sitting with my lovely wife, side by side in chairs, looking over our newly growing lawn. Two months ago it was barren lifeless dirt, and now thanks to my daily raking and tending and seeding it is about seventy percent vibrant green. It’s only a matter of time. It’s a magic time. I helped around the house for a while before passing out on an unmade bed.My goal this year was to play a hundred games with my Necrons. I am now at game 20. I don’t think I’m gong to make it, but at least I can soldier on. Tin metal soldier on.
Notably I have dropped the Chronamancer and added the dastardly Hexmark with Conflagrator Gauntlet. The Chronomancer just didn’t contribute that much- it’s a defensive piece that doesn’t really go out and solve anything. Putting the 5++ on a unit of Warriors (the most likely target) didn’t help them that much as most weapons trained on them are anti-infantry. The other possible beneficiaries already have invulnerable saves (the Doomstalker, the Triarch Stalker, Overlord and Catacomb Command Barge). Often, I would find myself putting the Chronometron’s invuln save on the Royal Warden, a real waste of time.