I love The Hobbit. The book, the films, the culture, the games. I love it all. I grew up reading and rereading the book to no end. Games Workshop has just released an Azog model for preorder. Thoughts after the break. 

Azog is little more than a footnote in the book version of The Hobbit (penned by JRR TOLKIEN) yet plays a major role in both the films, and now presumably the game. So how, as a fan of The Hobbit (in all aspects), am I supposed to react to his new role? Do I hate him for being a deviation? Or do I embrace him and betray the book?

I say neither. I love the character Peter Jackson has created, without it the story would have no driving evil in the first movie. Okay yes, they are dragging the films out into 3 feature flicks when it’s just one book and so the plot tool that is Azog is only useful for elongation of the story.. but ultimately I am alright with more films. I am alright with the narrative tool. Afterall, while three films does mean more money for Peter Jackson and Co., I also get to see three films and more Hobbit equals happy Brody.

Anyone else on the Pre-Order bandwagon?