Eldar Battle Focus is here and it’s for real people. Okay, maybe it won’t be a game changer, but it’s something. I, for one, am a fan. Eldar have always been heralded as the fastest and most agile tacticians, yet we never really saw it. Now we get to see that in action a bit. Image Credit.

 A lovely table has already been put together on the probability of these distances (thank you Krei0s):

1, (36/36) or 100%
2, (35/36) or 97.2%
3, (32/36) or 88.9%
4, (27/36) or 75%
5, (20/36) or 55.6%
6, (11/36) or 30.1%

Which equates to the following movements for infantry:

7″ 2.78% of the time
8″ 8.33% of the time
9″ 13.89% of the time
10″ 19.44% of the time
11″ 25.00% of the time
12″ 30.56% of the time


Just straight dancing all over the table. Read more about Kirby’s incredible insight, here.