On the Case

Brigh came by today and we spent a goodly time planning new Tyranid organisms. We should have Tyrannofex Alpha and Beta ready for show within a week.

Same for Doom and Parasite.

Just got six Tyranid Warriors with lash and sword ready, one of which would make a suitable Tyranid Prime.

Posted on March 2nd, 2010 at 1:45am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 8 comments

Manticore Alternate

Here’s a Dark Elf Master on Manticore conversion (not painted yet obviously). This is the new Fell Beast plastic kit that came out this week.

I like it because it is the right size: not too big for a 50mm base, but large enough to be convincing for a rider that size.

See more pics here.

$110 (model and assembly; no painting)
$210 (model, assembly and painted; finished work)

As usual: $9 ship in US, $25 overseas (select countries)

Posted on March 1st, 2010 at 8:13pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 8 comments


Recently my prayers (less frequent nowadays) sound like this: “Dear God, please let everything just stay the way it is. Everything is just peachy.”

I accept good things from a merciful God.

I know I got it good. And I’m grateful. The only question now is: what can I do for others?

Posted on March 1st, 2010 at 7:04am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 8 comments

Tyranid Update

Here’s a color scheme that works. Black and charcoal for the carapace and red for the skin. It gives them quite a hellish appearance.

After playing four games (yeah, I know a lot), my impression of the Tyranid book is that it depends on synergy. The units are interdependent and must be used as such to have their greatest effect. In other words, to survive. Imperial Guard firepower is nothing to cough at. As I found out in my game against R&C, even lowly guardsmen, if they are in cover, are really hard to uproot, and if you’re caught with a Vendetta (heaven forbid two) at long range picking away at the large creatures, it’s going to be a turkey shoot.

But the Hive Mind learned something from that. Cover is good.

Scores of Hormagaunts, swarming across the field is a pressing threat. They can take down all but die hard elites. But their real service is bullet eaters. But how to keep them alive? That’s where the Venomthropes come in. Tervigons can give Catalyst. Unfortunately, there’s nothing to keep her alive.

So, I’m looking at mid-sized creatures because they can claim cover saves from the smaller gribblies. And it’s got to be fast. It’s got to be a second-turn charge.

I’m looking at good ole Tyranid Warriors and Tyranid Primes. Will that do it? Or Raveners for shock troops. That’s a second turn charge as well.

I am really like Mycetic Spores. They are monstrous creatures so they block line of sight, a meat shield for the advancing other creatures. And most things in the list can have them. What happens when the whole army shows up on Turn 03? As I have it, Tyranid Primes can ride with their crew in one. Is that right?

It also occurred to me that as more of them show up in the same area, their chance of scattering is reduced as they crowd a particular section, creating a wall of spore pod meat. A Deathleaper helps here.

So, the list I’m thinking of looks like this:

1x Deathleaper
2x Prime with Warriors in Pods (these can be nasty– up to nine Warriors)
10x Ymgarls
1x Something else Elite and Nasty in Pod
3x twenty strong Hormagaunts in Pods (this is a double layer of defense for the warriors)
And various trouble-shooters: Harpies, Tyrannofexes about 700 pts worth.

The trouble here is that whatever starts on the board will be subject to attention while the rest shows up. I’m liking Tyrannofexes because they can take a beating against long-range stuff (and maybe not even that if placed correctly) and still nail the big guys with 48″ range Assault Rupture cannons at S10. Not sure I like that many points in one sink since the theme here is a disruptive force where nothing is on the board until it starts raining crap from the sky.

What about Trygon Prime? That fits. No need to hang out for turn 1 and/or 2. But the Trygon in my last games has just got blown up every time. But then again the board will be dotted with mycetic pods. How many? Oh, just five.

Tyrannofex. Kills Valks Dead.

I’ve got a pile of Hormagaunts staring me down this weekend…

Posted on February 28th, 2010 at 2:38am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 5 comments

Tervigon Gamma

We now have three different types of Tervigon to choose from:
Tervigon Alpha (that’s the Hive Queen style from the Mesa Nids)
Tervigon Beta
Tervigon Gamma (this is now the standard thing)

Cost for a Tervigon (any type) is $95 (two for $180). That includes the cost of model and assembly (but not painting, that’s $90, two for $170). Price may vary check with me at bluetablepainting@gmail.com if this post is more than 2 months old.

Harpy (unpainted) is $79.

Note: we are nowadays doing Assembly-only projects and we can do Tyranid special creatures for you.

We are still working on standardized forms for:
Parasite of Mortrex
Doom of Malan’tai

Posted on February 27th, 2010 at 9:04pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 4 comments


I have noticed something. It’s pervasive.

A conservative President is called a hypocrite because he praises firemen and police while at the same time wishing to reduce the size of the federal government and the power of the unions.

Glenn Beck (conservative) was criticized by Rachel Maddow (liberal) for decrying federal programs (eg healthcare as a socialized service) while at the same time adulating his local public library (a social service). Oooh, how can he do that?

Michael Moore did the same thing in one of his books (can’t recall the name at the time), arguing “Well, you have the fire department which is a socialized system, then why don’t you want socialized healthcare?” It’s because the former is done at the city level and the latter at the federal level. One is easily managed and tailored to the needs of the populace, and the other is a distant power that cannot manage local peculiarities.

When you hear these types of things, please bear in mind where a service is funded. Does it come from:


taxes? Usually, the more useful services, that are of most benefit, come from the more local regions (eg schools, police, firemen). The city fills the pot-holes. The county keeps a jail and a court-house.

I love local government. They require the least and give the most. It is also easier to overthrow a local corruption than a distant and centralized one. The same power that acts benevolently can quickly be turned into a War Machine.

De-centralization is good. It puts the power closer to the people. Even a State government can be purged if it grows too onerous.

I suggest to you kindly reader, that you think carefully on where public services come from and how they are funded.

As far as I can tell it goes something like this.

The city wants a quarter.
The state wants two dollars.
The feds want ten dollars.

Why do they need so much? It should be the other way around, and about half that amount.

A Congressman that tries to get money back from the Federal Government for his district AND who speaks out against wasteful “pork barrel” spending is acting without hypocrisy. He wishes the money did not get sent to Washington to begin with. But while it is, he will try and get back as much as possible.

We send a pie, which is pecked over by the vultures, then get back a single slice with bird tracks all over it. It has to end.

Then again, I am biased because I live in a voluntaristic society of do-it-yourselfers (Mormons) who have a whole society running smoothly with just 600 people involved (a Ward– you can be in one too!). Most problems can be solved at that level.

Posted on February 27th, 2010 at 2:41am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 5 comments

Two Tons

Based on a rough estimate of now over 3,300 project completed, Blue Table Painting has now completed over two tons of figures.

Posted on February 27th, 2010 at 1:58am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 2 comments

Testimonial- Boatload of Praise


I just realized I haven’t given a single pat on the back in the last few
projects. That is a travesty as I’ve been extremely happy with
everything that’s you and the crew have produced. Sarah continues to do
a fantastic job packing. Not a single ork casualty in the latest box of

Krieg Tank Project: Man these things look awsome! I was blown away with
how everything turned out. The basing on the Sentinels and the Valkyries
is awesome! I think they’ve turned my luck around as I’ve been placing
higher in the tournaments now that everything is painted.

Wood Elves Expansion: The dragon is stunning. Fits in perfectly with
the rest of the army. The dryads and the Warhawk Riders are as high
quality as ever. Thank you for turning them around so quick (2 weeks)!

Ork Expansion: I just got these guys yesterday and folks who don’t even
know what a Space Ork are think they are the coolest looking models ever.
The Battlewagons came out exactly as I had envisoned, particularly the
HtH one.

In summation you guys continue to produce a quality product at a great
price and you will continue to have business from me for as long as your
painting. Obviously, please pass this onto the crew and have a blast at


Posted on February 26th, 2010 at 6:37pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 6 comments


This (a bit from a GW FAQ recently released) is insane. That makes the Deff Rolla an absolute must. It can grind a Land Raider into dust!

Q. Can you use the Deffrolla when Ramming
vehicles or does it only work when Tank
Shocking non-vehicle units?

A. The death rolla does indeed inflict D6 S10 hits
against vehicles, as Ramming is just a type of
Tank Shock.

Posted on February 26th, 2010 at 2:45pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 4 comments

Checking In

If you have a project with BTP, and you have a deadline or a time limit, I strongly urge you to email me with the specific date.

Same thing if it has been four weeks or more since you sent your deposit. It is likely that everything is on track. However, I would like to generally make sure everything is on track and this will help.

I don’t want to miss anything.

Posted on February 26th, 2010 at 4:22am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 11 comments

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