Got this email from a friend of mine:
Hi Shawn,
First off, Merry Christmas to you, your family, the assemblers and artists at the studio.
On December 5th, you posted a letter from a client from Denmark. He mentions the high tax rate but then goes on to say that they have free education, free health care, etc.
I was reading a motorcycle magazine in a waiting room and saw an article about some Danish motorcycle makers. One particular line caught my eye.
A Harley Davidson Iron 883 sells in the US for $7899. It sells for the equivalent of $28,000 in Denmark due to high taxes.
That is nearly a direct quote as I wrote it down.
“High Taxes”? “Free Education and Health Care”?
When you want to buy a simple motorcycle and and up paying 4 times the real cost in additional taxes to pay for it, High taxes is hardly a fitting term. It also puts the “free” in education and health care into focus. If you wanted to buy a used mini van for $5000 for your family, in Denmark it would cost $20,000.
I also wanted to tell you about one of my Christmas presents. The Freedom Outlaw’s Handbook: 179 Things to Do ‘Til the Revolution
You need to get and read this book.
I own me. I own my output. I have an unalienable right to defend myself, by whatever means necessary, against predators and looters.
And I am damned tired of my servants in government acting otherwise.
3 Responses to 'Outlaws'
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16 Nov 14 at 11:08 pm
thank you!…
30 Nov 14 at 12:52 am
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…
10 Dec 14 at 1:34 am