How will the world change when every human can be in contact with every other human at any time?
I think the picture will become clearer.
I’ve been off the map the last few days. I kept it simple (not my usual thing) and just made a few sets with a friend who was in town, a fellow-hobbyist.
I made three different types of things. The two notable ones are “Acid World” terrain, about eight pieces; and “Mystic Lagoon” which is about fourteen pieces. The last thing was just some trees for the desert sandstone set we already have.
Anyhoo, it’s the worst terrain I’ve ever made. Really bizarre and loaded with basic errors. But hey you might like it. I’ll be doing a batrep later today using it.
Hey Shawn,
I got the box of Wood Elves the day I got the email from you. I wanted to ask you to pass along my compliments to the painter, assembler, and packer. The figures look AWSOME. The paint scheme is very unique and eye catching! The packaging was similarly excellent. Not a single piece broken, damaged, or lopsided. I haven’t gotten all the way through the Krieg, but they’re packed just as well, and obviously just a cool looking! Keep that color scheme handy as I’ll need it again!
Once again love the models,

I’m caught up with my work. I’m just waiting around. I am at your disposal if you’d like to set up a project.
As a side note about these horses. These are for the “springtime elves”. The artist interpreted the horses as part supernatural– that their lustre was the same as the inside of a young spring sapling.

Here are the trade-in rates for Summer 2009. I’m offering service credit in trade for models.
Read this completely as I have recently improved several aspects of this program. Notably: I am now trading in army books. Also, you do not need to figure out the retail prices of your trade-in items.
NEW: we are also accepting as trade armies that BTP painted. The trade value will be much higher since it will account for the value of assembly/painting.
We will also pay cash. After the models arrive we’ll paypal you the agreed amount. The rate is generally $0.12 ont he dollar (twelve percent of retail).
You can usually get a much better deal going to the secondary market (local shop, ebay) on your own. However, the advantage of trading in with us is that you are likely to be able to unload disparate items without a lot of hassle (e.g. finding various buyers, setting up payment, lots of minor questions).
If you want to trade in, we need a list of what you have. You do NOT need to calculate the retail value, but it helps. Please tell me the condition (e.g. new in box, new on sprue, assembled, primed). The rates below are a multiplier. If the entry says 0.30 it means you would get $30 for $100 worth of retail items. Just take the retail total and multiply it by the number. You do not need to figure this out; you can just send in your list of stuff to .
I just know there’s someone who goes out to their garage, surveys the mass of unpainted models, sighs then turns out the light. This program will hopefully allow someone with the “white primer horde” to finally show up with a painted army. As an added bonus, your models will get a good home where they will be painted and loved.
We don’t need painted figures. Exception: if they only have a little bit done with them; not too thick, not too many layers. Primed models are OK, again not too thick. NEW: If you send painted models and they are un-useable because the paint/primer is on too thick, the trade value reverts to 0.10 (it’s actually almost zero). If this is the case I will inform you and you’ll have the option to get your models back.
You can also get a credit of at least $10 to help with your shipping costs. NEW: I will add this automatically as part of the quote.
If you want to trade-in figures, but don’t have a project ready, that’s OK, I will confirm your total and then you will have it on tap for when you want to use it.
This trade-in is recorded as a payment on your project. It is non-refundable except at our discretion (eg you can’t refuse the project and then get your trade-in amount refunded as cash). Trade-in can be applied to cost of models, assembly or painting as you wish. This means you can also just get models sent to you (this is limited to models that are commonly available, eg not Forge World).
Generally, we only need in-print models that are currently in production. . These rates and conditions may change so it is recommended to check in every once in a while. I am likely to update the numbers about once a month. The plan right now is to update every first of the month. Fairness is the guiding principle.
. Forge World 0.49
. Army books $8 credit (must be current edition, no OOP)
. Assault on Black Reach Models:
Complete set of orks $9 credit
Complete set of space marines $9 credit
Space Marine Dreadnought $5 credit
Small rulebook $4 credit
Template sprue (complete) $2 credit
. Chaos Space Marines 0.25
. Daemonhunters 0.25
. Daemons of Chaos 0.25
. Eldar 0.25
. Imperial Guard 0.25 (note some tanks are OOP now)
. Necrons 0.25
. Orks 0.25
. Space Marines 0.25
. Tau 0.25
. Tyranids 0.25
. Witch Hunters 0.25
.Other Warhammer 40K 0.25
. Warhammer Fantasy 0.25
. Hordes 0.20
. War Machine 0.20
. Battlefleet Gothic 0.10
. Lord of the Rings 0.15
OK, that’s three unsolicited praise-tastic emails for the Pandora special. Don’t you think it’s time you booked yours?
1) determine your options (point level, painting level, and army choices/nixes)
2) pay half down
3) relax for about a month while we make your primo army
The only question left is: will “GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra” be a GREAT movie or the GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME?
Are you still reading this?

Hey Shawn,
I never got the chance to thank you enough during our conversations over the length of this project, so I hope this can just about sum it up! I had always been a fan of your studio, but reluctant to treat myself to anything given the price; until Pandora came along! As I unwrapped all of your carefully packaged models, I realized what a truly amazing deal this really was. Especially for a high detail army like the tau, the amount of love that you guys put into these models really made them pop. Each sept marking was individually hand painted, making it easy to see which models belong to which squad, and also adding great narrative to the army itself.
Not only was I excited to see your work, but your army list is simply incredible. As guard fanatic, I always lean toward a tanks first army. This elite heavy build is a loadout that I would have never thought of myself, but is incredibly enjoyable to play! Given the new build, it was no surprise that my regular opponents were completely taken by surprise too (that still doesn’t account for the following three games that they lost to the greater good).
To sum it all up, incredible experience. I know that I will enjoy this army for many years to come, and I can’t wait to get my next order in! Best wishes to your and your staff; keep living the dream guys.

I just received my Imperial Guard Strike Force Pandora’s army today. It literally made my day I opened up this large box and from what i saw was amazing, the paint scheme fits the narrative of the army very well and the details with the painting and conversions done to the models were great. I’m absolutely blown away by the Valkyries and the veteran squads each veteran model is different either being in a different pose or having some type of insignia on them to separate them from the other models. Shawn your studio has really out done themselves, amazing job.
Thank you for everything!

I got to the studio and started cracking at the bright and early hour of 9am (or so). I found Elaine… I mean Sarah down there already. We really started working through the stack and pretty much caught up by 1pm.
I had a client come by the studio and we had quite a pleasant visit, he and his family. Hey Seth! Nice to meet you in person!
I left early, after getting everything cleaned up, and went home to give my wife a hand with dinner. She’s cooking for some of our neighbors, too.
If you’d like to book a project, now is the time to do it.
I’m also getting the September round of Pandora’s Army specials ste up. I’m ready whenever you are.