Archive for August, 2009

Ron Paul Fix- Health Care

Can’t get enough of RP.

Posted on August 15th, 2009 at 3:06am by Shawn

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Pony Express

I love the United States Postal Service. I’ve tried other private services but they just don’t stack up against the good ole USPS.

So, maybe the Federal Government can do something right.

But it’s nice to know if the USPS did a lousy job I would have private options.

Posted on August 15th, 2009 at 2:42am by Shawn

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… Garbage Out

Great night’s sleep. I woke up refreshed and ready to go. My wife had some business at the school for the morning, so I was home watching the kids. After that I headed to the theater with K and J (ages ten and seven) to watch Ponyo.

Ponyo is rated G. It’s made by the same guy who did Spirited Away. It’s really for kids, there’s absolutely nothing scary about it. It made me open my mouth with awe and joy. The movie is delightful, colorful, and evocative. Totally worth the money. The more sensitive the soul, the more it will be enjoyed. Totally safe for kids of any age. You could probably put a two year old to sleep with it. I’d love to see it again in the theatre and we are going to own it for sure.

At the theatre I saw a sign prohibiting children under SIX from going into Rated R movies (even with parents) after 6pm. That there’s a sign for it means that someone did it. Are you kidding me? Who the HECK is taking kids five and under to Rated R movies!?!?!

We were in a hurry to leave for the movie. So, we ate theatre food; hot dogs, popcorn and slushies. After that, their mom took them to the local Faire and they chowed down on carnival food. Longabout an hour or two after that, while relaxing at home, the puke-fest started. Four rooms and twenty towels were involved.
Now that I’ve whetted your appetite…
I’m booking projects for September. We stand at ready to serve for any project large or small (we do things besides whole armies).
Don’t forget to check out the Turbo Armies a few posts back. This is a way to get your army without a lot of thought, and get it at a good price.
Client Response:
Hey Shawn, I saw your blog about the sign prohibiting children under six years old from going into R rated films and I wanted to share a sadly common comparison.

I work at a Gamestop. I applied with the thought of, “hey, I’ve always enjoyed video games so why not put that knowledge and experience to good use?” I was right, working sales at that store is a breeze because it is something I personally enjoy. However, working there has opened my eyes to some disturbing aspects of our society. The most common of these is the ignorance of some parents as they just allow their child to select anything from the store.
Just like with films, the heavy hitters of the video gaming industry are most often games that are intended for adults, these recieve the M rating which stands for Mature. You must be 17 or older to buy, or have a parent consent to the purchase if you are under age.
The store I work at sees the most traffic from children between the ages of eight and fifteen years old. Despite these young ages, M rated games like Gears of War and Call of Duty are the most popular purchases. These kids come in with their parents, pick out the latest and greatest M rated game, and the parent just shrugs when I tell them that the game is intended for 17 year olds because of blood, gore, language, sexual themes, etc…
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not condemning M rated video games. Just like with film, these adult-oriented games are often the ones that dazzle and amaze with stunning visuals or a masterful plot. I’m not saying that people under the age of 17 should not be allowed to play these games but I am a believer of informed and active parenting. It should be the parent’s decision whether or not their child is allowed to experience the content but that parent should be informed about said content and be active in deciding whether or not this specific child should exposed to that. I think that they should research the game and then think about how it will effect their child before making a decision.
As I mentioned before I am required to speak with a parent before selling a M rated game to a child. This is where both of our experiences are the same, the system and the people on the side that provides the product are perfectly fine but some parents are not active in deciding what is best for their child. This drives me absolutely mad. It seems that so many of the percieved “problems” with today’s youngest generation are due to a lack of parenting. Parents ignoring their child’s interests and behavior as long as it doesn’t directly annoy or harm the parent.
So where do you think this “lazy” parenting came from? I believe that I am correct in my observations, why else would a sign be needed such as the one you saw at the theater? Why else would countless parents carelessly allow their children to purchase M rated games? Do you think there is a way to fix this or at least prevent it from happening again when my generation starts playing the parent role? I know my experiences in retail have affected me but not everyone knows or even cares about this phenomenon.
Sorry for the psuedo-vent session but I saw a comparison between your experience at the theater and my experiences everyday at work and I needed to jump on it.

Posted on August 15th, 2009 at 2:15am by Shawn

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Comments: 3 comments

Eldar Army For Sale

I stumbled across this on Youtube:

This would be a good army to buy, and (maybe) have us refurb and paint it real nice.

Posted on August 14th, 2009 at 1:11am by Shawn

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Eldar Wave Serpent Tactica

This guy’s got some good tactics.

Posted on August 13th, 2009 at 9:55pm by Shawn

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Turbo Army Special

Note and bookmark this entry because I plan on updating it all through August.
The idea here is to provide a stimulating, competitive, good-looking army in a very reasonable amount of time and at a very reasonable price.
A Turbo Army is one that is a certain points level for a certain price. We pick everything from army list to paint scheme. We acquire all materials and do all the work.
The list we come up with will be reasonably competitive. We will do “something special” for each army. For those that have followed our various Pandora’s armies, you know we put our hearts into it.
When you pay the deposit half-down (and commit to the project) we will start. Your army will be done in about four weeks at which time you pay the second half.
If you want to get one, just email me with the army you want. I will confirm the price. You send the deposit and then sit back and wait for your bitchin’ army to show up.

TURBO! Skaven
1500 pts for $1150 (deposit of $550 pulls the trigger)
2000 pts for $1450 (deposit of $700 pulls the trigger)
2500 pts for $1750 (deposit of $850 pulls the trigger)

Go for a L2/4 split and get it for less:
1500 pts for $950 (deposit of $450 pulls the trigger)
2000 pts for $1250 (deposit of $650 pulls the trigger)
2500 pts for $1450 (deposit of $750 pulls the trigger)

TURBO! Space Wolves
1500 pt Space Wolf army = $950
2000 pt Space Wolf army = $1250
2500 pt Space Wolf army = $1450

Deathguard 1000 pts for $850
Deathguard 1500 pts for $950 (deposit $450)
Deathguard 2000 pts for $1250 (deposit $600)

Thousand Sons 1000 pts for $950 (deposit $450)
Thousand Sons1500 pts for $1250 (deposit $600)

Thousand Sons 2000 pts for $1500 (deposit $750)

Chaos Space Marines 1000 pts for $750
Chaos Space Marines 1500 pts for $1050 (deposit $425)
Chaos Space Marines 2000 pts for $1350 (deposit $625)
Space Marines 1000 pts for $750
Space Marines 1500 pts for $1100
Space Marines 2000 pts for $1300
Tyranids 1500 pts for $1300
Tyranids 2000 pts for $1550
Tyranids 2500 pts for $1800
Orks 1500 pts for $1350
Orks 2000 pts for $1550
Orks 2500 pts for $1800
Imperial Gaurd 1500 pts for $1350
Imperial Guard 2000 pts for $1600
Imperial Guard 2500 pts for $1850
Witch Hunters 1500 pts for $1150
Witch Hunters 2000 pts for $1350
Necrons 1000 pts for $450
Necrons 2000 pts for $1000
Eldar 1000 pts for $850
Eldar 1500 pts for $1250
Eldar 2000 pts for $1450
Eldar 2500 pts for $1750
Tau 1000 pts for $850
Tau 1500 pts for $1150
Tau 2000 pts for $1350
Chaos Daemons 1000 pts for $650
Chaos Daemons 1500 pts for $950
Chaos Daemons 2000 pts for $1200
Deathwing 2000 pts for $950
Daemonhunters 1500 pts for $850
Daemonhunters 2000 pts for $1050
Warhammer Fantasy

Elves of any kind 1500 pts for $950
Elves of any kind 2000 pts for $1150

Dwarfs 1500 pts for $950
Dwarfs 2000 pts for $1150
Dwarfs 2500 pts for $1350

Vampire Counts 1500 pts for $950
Vampire Counts 2000 pts for $1150
Vampire Counts 2500 pts for $1350

Tomb Kings 1500 pts for $950

Tomb Kings 2000 pts for $1150

Warriors of Chaos 1500 pts for $950

Warriors of Chaos 2000 pts for $1150
Warriors of Chaos 2500 pts for $1350

Lizardmen 1500 pts for $1100
Lizardmen 2000 pts for $1300
Lizardmen 2500 pts for $1500

Orcs and Goblins 1500 pts for $1300
Orcs and Goblins 2000 pts for $1500
Orcs and Goblins 2500 pts for $1700

Empire 1500 pts for $1150

Empire 2000 pts for $1350

1500 pts for $1200 (deposit of $550 pulls the trigger)
2000 pts for $1600 (deposit of $700 pulls the trigger)
2500 pts for $1800 (deposit of $850 pulls the trigger)
Almost all WHF armies will be listed here in the future.
War Machine
These are Mk1 prices

Menoth 750 pts for $800
Khador 750 pts for $800
Cryx 750 pts for $800
Cygnar 750 pts for $800
Orboros 750 pts for $800
Trollbloods 750 pts for $800
Skorne 750 pts for $850
Legion 750 pts for $800
War Machine and Hordes are both fo Mk1 points levels

This is a limited offer, both quantity and time. Prices may change, posted here.

Posted on August 13th, 2009 at 5:21am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 2 comments

Happy Cost of Government Day

Dear friend,
Happy Cost of Government Day! Today, August 12, is Cost of Government Day (COGD), the day of the calendar year when the average American worker has earned enough gross income to pay off his or her share of the spending and regulatory burdens imposed by government on the federal, state, and local levels. COGD falls 26 days later than last year’s date, and it’s 23 days later than the previous all-time high of July 20, in 1982.
There are numerous reasons for this explosive growth in government spending including TARP, the so-called Stimulus, and the big three auto “bailouts.” If Congress and the President had not pushed for TARP, Americans would have celebrated COGD on July 25 rather than on August 12.
As your Congressman and Senators hold their town hall meetings this recess, you should ask them why you needed to spend 224 days working to pay off your share of government. You should also ask them if you’ve already spent this much time working to pay off government, why would you possibly want to spend additional days working for a government takeover of healthcare?
View the COGD report at and arm yourselves with the data to ask your representatives the necessary and hard questions about the astonishing growth in government. The report contains a state-by-state breakdown so you can find out how your state ranks by visiting
Onward,Grover Norquist
P.S. – Please consider making a donation to Americans for Tax Reform to help us spread the word about Cost of Government Day and the damage done to the American economy by excessive government spending on all levels. A donation of $100, $75, $50, or even just $10 will go along way towards helping us promote the research in this report and protect American jobs and small businesses from an over burdensome government.

Comment from Shawn: I think he should include also foreign wars, and overseas empire (eg 75,000 troops stationed in Germany), and “homeland security”.

Posted on August 12th, 2009 at 2:28pm by Shawn

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Pounding Surf

I still have about an hour of footage to edit and put up on Youtube.
Today was insanely busy, both Sarah and I working with emergency room pitch, and still not caught up at the end of the day. Of course, that is an unusual lump. Tomorrow it will be unusually quiet.
A client came by this morning. He is an officer at a state penitentiary. He enlightened us most generously about prison life, dispelling a number of myths that Sarah and I put forth.
We went out with most of the staff for ice cream, a belated “Sundae Monday” but with better attendance.
I am very keen on doing Tzeentch Daemons for warhammer fantasy these days.
I am very tie-red. See you tomorrow morning.

Posted on August 12th, 2009 at 5:08am by Shawn

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My first order of business on Monday was to text Sarah and say that we had a big day ahead and to show up early. Sarah’s first order of business on Monday was to text me with a reminder that she was out of town (as she had forewarned me the week before!).

It was an insanely busy day. I had an average of four things going on at the same time. However, by the end of the day I was caught up. And Sarah will be in Tuesday. Yay.

The joy of my life right now is my baby daughter. If I take her thumb out of her mouth, she just pops the other one in. That’s Willow. She’s a happy baby. She sleeps through the night. She doesn’t cry except rarely. She smiles and laughs and brings joy to all who come near. She is so tender and mild. She loves to eat cheerios and jump in her bouncer. I can’t get enough of her.

I am currently booking projects for September (best to start now!). I am still booking new Pandora’s armies.

Posted on August 11th, 2009 at 3:09pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 4 comments

Green Tide

Saturday afternoon I headed down to the studio to tie up some loose ends, and check in some projects (Wood Elves and Blood Angels projects now done).
And also to play a game of 40K against Renn. We only recorded a few minutes of the game, and then some post game-thoughts. It was 2000 pts: Bone Knights (space marines) vs. Redjaw Orks. One heck of a game.
The key to success with the orks is to carefully survey the battlefield, figure out the shortest route to the enemy, then run at full speed in that direction. As I’ve said before, the new running rules have changed the game immensely. They allow an army to close the distance one turn than they would have before.
Ork boyz roll a lot of dice. They have four attacks on the charge, multiplied by often 25 models that mak it across the board. And this is from a unit that costs about 200 pts. Not too bad. Even Termies can’t win out against those odds.
I’m percolating several new armies:
  • Tzeentch daemons (I finally figured out the solution for the grinders = silver towers)
  • Adeptus Mechanicus (using the IG list with like fourteen tanks, all converted up, and instead of guardsmen those little skitari hooded critters made out of skaven plague monks, and of course the usual cyber-creepy line-up of modified humans)
  • Kroot as veteran guardsmen with looted imperial vehicles (basically another version of the imperial strike force with all veterans)
  • Blue Dragons (this one is hard to imagine– uses chaos space marines list with 1000 sons, looks like blue dragon-themed salamanders with electricity weapons and wierd science type contraptions eg. the laser weapon from the new bastion kit as a lascannon)
  • Darkwing (uses Deathwing terminator list but with Chaos Terminators as the models– an all Chaos Terminator army)
  • Tomb Kings army using wargods of aegyptus models (mostly anubis)
PS- I shot some footage of both the terrain and the game. I didn’t get to it on Saturday night, probably Monday.

Posted on August 9th, 2009 at 10:18am by Shawn

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