A Window
Sometimes things don’t turn out the way you expected. But it will be good in a different way.
It’s not getting what you want. It’s wanting what you got.
Mystery Package
I got in a package with no name on it. Contents: attack bikes, rhino, death company, various marines. Is this yours? Please remind me what it was about.
Space Hulk Availability
I still have two slots open for the Space Hulk project. I’ve got the boxes pre-ordered and paid for. Don’t be the one crying when they run out!
I wouldn’t want to see that.
At the Blues-Soul-Swing Concert
The last four days have flown by like a technicolor tempest. The weeks are passing like the ticking of a cyclopean clock. Here are some pertinent news items:
- Baby is healthy and doing new tricks like standing up in her crib and making num-num noises.
- My wife’s birthday is this month. We went out to a Blues concert. We also went out to lunch for some Thai food. I’m a big fan of pad thai. But easy on the spices.
- I ordered raw materials for the Fateweavers project. It’s a dual use 40K/Fantasy tzeentch daemons army. I can’t wait to try that out, it seems like a freaky and fun army to play. Lots of conversions coming for that.
- We’ve got a Luna Wolves Warhound Titan in the works; super deluxe.
- Kids start school again this week. Tough getting them used to going to bed early.
- Booking projects for September; large or small, any kind.
I love my life. It’s so good.
Space Hulk is Here!

Garbage Disposal
Free Car Wash
Tonight there was a thundershower of epic proportions. The rain was the size of marbles and twenty rounds of thunder resounded against each other, back to back. It sounded like a bowling ball coming down a PVC pipe.
My wife and I rushed out in our jammies to shut the car windows and got soaked.