Be Still My Soul

My wife has been out of town at a family reunion. I stayed home with our four-year-old son. I limited my hours at the studio to about three a day. I suppose this is as close to a day off as I ever get. What am I talking about? I get a solid day off every week; Sunday.
It was great to get one-on-one time with my young son. Without his siblings around it was a completely more relaxed experience. We went out on all sorts of adventures (read: errands) and I taught him how to do the dishes. I took him to work with me (both slow days). We got matching haircuts. We made jello. I am just full to the brim with joy and satisfaction.
Last night we went on a walk. That means I walk, and he rides his little tricycle. He’s learned to use the hand brake on it and his favorite part of the walk is a downward sloping section of sidewalk, about a quarter block long, that he speeds down then makes a controlled turn at the bottom.
So, we’re walking along and he stops suddenly, looks back and points out a squashed spider on the sidewalk. He backs up. “Daddy, look, I crushed-ed a spider!”
“Yeah, you sure did.”
He puts his little hands on his cheeks. “Oh no! I did not mean to crushed-ed him!” He’s quite distraught and begins to explain to me that “spiders are our friends outdoors!”
I learned later that his mother told him that spiders are our friends as long as they are outside.
This morning I woke up around 4am, my mind reeling with worry and fretting. More than usual; layers upon layers. It was a confused and crowded jumble. All I could do was pray with my whole mind, and try to think about positive things. I put on some Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I think that calmed the waves. Whew.
PS- as usual I am constrained to make my usual disclaimer: I do not consider myself a good person. I always wince a little when I put up this sort of post. I don’t want it to be a preachment. As Peter said, I am subject to like passions as other men. This sentiment is amplified by the occasional email I get from a young person who thinks that I am some sort of role model. There are better role models out there!

Posted on August 2nd, 2009 at 10:41am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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