Slap Dash

I have about five minutes to crank out this post.
On Friday we had a Magic draft at the studio. A pleasant diversion, and then back to work. Brigh won this one. We are catching up on shipping, quite a few things went out.
Today I was awake and alert at 5:45am. I lay in bed for a while, listening to the soft spring rainfall outside (I am no longer sleeping on the couch). My wife and I were soon summoned by our little princess pod. We bundled her up, took up the oversize red and white umbrella and headed out into the neighborhood for a walk around the block.
We went to a church breakfast. Bacon, pancakes, fruit, OJ, and hash browns were sizzling on camp stoves (well, not the juice and fruit). I may have mentioned this before, but there are various families in the ward who have created a communal part out of their unfenced back yards complete with a pavilion. This sort of thing convinces me that people can create their own paradise.
This afternoon I played a 1725 pt battle against my good friend (a local from Mapleton); his Ultramarines vs the Oceanic Eldar. It was a great game. I wasn’t going to record it, but he convinced me otherwise, so during the coming week I should have that up.
I am undergoing a significant phase of personal harmonization. Perhaps I will speak more of that tomorrow.
There are still a few slots open for May. I am booking projects plainly in June. Time flies.

Posted on May 3rd, 2009 at 4:30am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 3 comments


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  1. .

    ñïñ çà èíôó!…


    16 Nov 14 at 6:54 pm


  2. .

    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…


    27 Nov 14 at 7:18 am


  3. .



    27 Nov 14 at 11:00 am



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