To Boldly Go
Firstly, the studio Lizardmen army is on the block. See below for video and pricing. You have the option to drop the Salamander (this reduces the price by $50). You can expand the army if you please. We plan on doing a compatible three Razordon unit to be available separately.
We started cracking early, around 9am. Sarah wore a red shirt today. This is newsworthy. She almost always wears black or grey. I think it was in honor of the new Star Trek movie, which we went to go see as a studio. I liked it. Definitely worth watching. The opening sequence is one of the best I’ve seen.
The big news in my life is that I’m off the couch for the first time in seven years. Seven years I slept on that thing. It was good for my back. I slept better on it. And also it is in a better insulated room (can’t hear outside noises, and it’s dark– I am a very light sleeper and it’s hard for me to get back to sleep). But things must expand and transform, so I’m back in bed with my wife. She got a specialty mattress that I can tolerate. Yeah, I know it sounds strange, but I suppose each person has to find their own way.
I am reading Open Veins of Latin America which is a very disturbing historical portrait of the ongoing conquest of Latin America. I am only like 50 pages in. For those that don’t know it, I have a degree in Spanish and I studied a lot about LA history and literature. I wrote my capstone paper on Mayan rituals. I went to a very liberal school as a conservative. I was one of only six people who took the class “Conservative Studies” which the college tried to quash. It was with a very, very hard teacher. She gave only one A. Guess who got that? I worked really hard in that class. I had an Argentinian professor. A real firecracker. She had been tortured, and we had a short segment on that topic. When she found out my right-ist leanings, we went round and round, arguing vehemently. It was good for me. It helped me understand another viewpoint. So, thank you Nora S.!
I think that I got lower grades on papers that went against what my professors believed. Is that possible?
Even the Onion is in on it
Imperial Guard Specials
We want to paint your Imperial Guard army!
I am totally not kidding around. We are ready to go. Contact Shawn at to get your project set up OR with any question. I can send you a spreadsheet with complete prices on it on request.
Armored Company Special
Get three Imperial Guard vehicles painted and get three more painted free.*
I will consider doing this special for non-IG armies on a case by case basis.
Massed Infantry Special
Get your huge masses of infantry painted up. Just get it done. Now’s your chance!**
This has been expanded with the following options:
- Get 50 infantry painted at L2 for $190
- Get 50 infantry painted at L3 for $290
- Get 100 infantry painted at L2 for $345 BEST DEAL!
- Get 100 infantry painted at L3 for $550
- Get 150 infantry painted at L2 for $502
- Get 150 infantry painted at L3 for $802
- Assembly per infantry figure is $2 (if you use this special). We will be glad to take care of it!
*Here are the details– they must be in pairs. You can’t have a two chimeras painted regular price and then get two baneblades done for free. But you could have a chimera and a baneblade done then get two more of the same done free. Tanks don’t need to be the exact same to count as a pair, just similar (so you could pair up a Hellhound and a Chimera). All the vehicles in a project need to be roughly the same color scheme. Doesn’t apply to Forge World. I have six slots open for this (limited offer). Must ask for the special by name.
**Here are the details– Needs to be simple infantry (eg not loaded up with every accessory). L2 is our most basic work. They need to be all of similar type (ie not ten squads of different colors/types). I have six slots open for this (limited offer). Must ask for the special by name. If you want us to buy the models I may be able to get them at a better discount, too.
Not done yet! If you are one of the first three people to claim slots under this special (and you want to) we will acquire your models at 30% off.
It gets even better. You can save 10% MORE by giving us Artistic License. We get to pick color scheme and basing type (within the genre– no pink Guard!)
I’ve found that when I run specials things come up that I haven’t thought of, so I reserve the right to reasonably alter or clarify the specials.
Trade-in Rates for May 2009
You can usually get a much better deal going to the secondary market (local shop, ebay) on your own. However, the advantage of trading in with us is that you are likely to be able to unload disparate items without a lot of hassle (e.g. finding various buyers, setting up payment).
If you want to trade in, we need a list with retail values and condition (e.g. new in box, new on sprue, assembled, primed). The rates below are a multiplier. If the entry says 0.30 it means you would get $30 for $100 worth of retail items. Just take the retail total and multiply it by the number. You do not need to figure this out; you can just send in your list of stuff to
In the past I have only allowed for half or less of a project to be paid in credit this way. But for the time being I am lifting that restriction. I just know there’s someone who goes out to their garage, surveys the mass of unpainted models, sighs then turns out the light. This program will hopefully allow someone with the “white primer horde” to finally show up with a painted army.
We don’t need painted figures. Exception: if they only have a little bit done with them; not too thick, not too many layers.
You can also get a credit of at least $10 to help with your shipping costs.
If you want to trade-in figures, but don’t have a project ready, that’s OK, I will confirm your total and then you will have it on tap for when you want to use it.
This trade-in is recorded as a payment on your project. It is non-refundable except at our discretion (eg you can’t refuse the project and then get your trade-in amount refunded as cash). Trade-in can be applied to cost of models, assembly or painting as you wish.
Generally, we only need in-print models that are currently in production.
These rates and conditions may change so it is recommended to check in every once in a while. I am likely to update the numbers about once a month. The plan right now is to update every first of the month. Fairness is the guiding principle.
Forge World 0.45
Chaos Space Marines 0.24
Lizardmen 0.30
Hordes 0.25
Oceanic Eldar 1720 point list
Here’s the 1720 or so list I used for the battle this last Saturday. Next up: Oceanic Eldar take on the Bone Knights chapter of Space Marines.
This army is for sale temporarily: $1950 for the lot. This is not the complete list. Additional units: 1x Vyper, 1x Night Spinner, 1x Jetbike Warlock, 1x Farseer. Total points about 2200 Email me at for details.
1701 Pts – Eldar Roster – Eldar code:Ocean
HQ: Autarch (1#, 138 Pts)
1 Autarch @ 138 Pts
Unit Type: Jetbike Infantry; Fleet; Independent Character; Master Strategist; Turbo-boosters; Banshee Mask (BM); Forceshield (FShld); Eldar Jetbike (EJB); Power Weapon; Shuriken Pistol (Sp); Reaper Launcher (RL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat) (x1); Haywire Grenades (HayG); Plasma Grenades (PG)
Troops: Dire Avengers (11#, 287 Pts)
9 Dire Avengers @ 287 Pts
Fleet; Avenger S-Catapult (ASC)
1 Dire Avenger Exarch @ [44] Pts
Fleet; Bladestorm (BS); 2 Avenger SC
1 Wave Serpent @ [135] Pts
Energy Field (Wave Serpent); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat); TL Bright Lances (TL-BL)
Troops: Dire Avengers (11#, 287 Pts)
9 Dire Avengers @ 287 Pts
Fleet; Avenger S-Catapult (ASC)
1 Dire Avenger Exarch @ [44] Pts
Fleet; Bladestorm (BS); 2 Avenger SC
1 Wave Serpent @ [135] Pts
Energy Field (Wave Serpent); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat); TL Bright Lances (TL-BL)
Troops: Guardian Jetbike Squadron (3#, 76 Pts)
3 Guardian Jetbike Squadron @ 76 Pts
Unit Type: Jetbike Infantry; Turbo-boosters; Eldar Jetbike (EJB); Shuriken Cannon (SCan) (x1); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat) (x2)
Fast Attack: Vyper Squadron (1#, 75 Pts)
1 Vyper Squadron @ 75 Pts
1 Vyper @ [75] Pts
Bright Lance (BL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat)
Fast Attack: Vyper Squadron (2#, 150 Pts)
1 Vyper Squadron @ 150 Pts
1 Vyper @ [75] Pts
Bright Lance (BL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat)
1 Vyper @ [75] Pts
Bright Lance (BL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat)
Fast Attack: Vyper Squadron (2#, 150 Pts)
1 Vyper Squadron @ 150 Pts
1 Vyper @ [75] Pts
Bright Lance (BL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat)
1 Vyper @ [75] Pts
Bright Lance (BL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat)
Heavy Support: Night Spinner (IA) (1#, 170 Pts)
1 Night Spinner (IA) @ 170 Pts
Twin Linked Shuriken Catapult; Night Spinner; Holo-Field (Vehicle) (H-F)
Heavy Support: War Walker Squadron (3#, 240 Pts)
1 War Walker Squadron @ 240 Pts
1 War Walker @ [80] Pts
Starcannon (StrCan); Starcannon (StrCan)
1 War Walker @ [80] Pts
Starcannon (StrCan); Starcannon (StrCan)
1 War Walker @ [80] Pts
Starcannon (StrCan); Starcannon (StrCan)
Elite: Striking Scorpions (6#, 128 Pts)
5 Striking Scorpions @ 128 Pts
Mandiblaster (Mb); Scorpion Chainsword (SCs); Shuriken Pistol (Sp); Plasma Grenades (PG)
1 Striking Scorpion Exarch @ [48] Pts
Stalker; Mandiblaster (Mb); Scorpion Chainsword (SCs); Scorpion Claw (SClaw); Plasma Grenades (PG)
Total Roster Cost: 1701
NOTE: Added Vectored Engines to Fire Prism.
Created with Army Builder
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.
Lord of the Rings Deal
Here is the stuff I have for Lord of the Rings. You will need to “read” this correctly like this:
“Dol Amroth Banner Bearer x1 1 Cav & 1 Inf ” means “ONE Dol Amroth bearer box/blister which contains one cavalry and one infantry figure).
LOTR inventory–
Box sets:
The Riders of Rohan x6 6 Cav
Knights of Minas Tirith x1 6 Cav
Minas Tirith Battlehost x1 6 Cav & 56 Inf.
Warriors of the Last Alliance x2 24 Inf
Blister packs:
Rohan Royal Guard Mounted x9 1 Cavalry
Rohan Captain x1 1 Cav & 1 Inf
Prince Imrahil of Dol Armroth x1 1 Cav & 1 Inf
Dol Amroth Captain x1 1 Cav & 1 Inf
Dol Amroth Banner Bearer x1 1 Cav & 1 Inf
Knight of Dol Amroth- mtd x6 1 Cav
Knights of Dol Amroth- foot x3 3 Inf
Men at Arms of Dol Amroth x3 3 Infantry
Elf Spearmen (Fellowship) x6 3 Inf
Haldirs Elves with Bows x3 3 Inf
Haldirs Elves Captains x1 2 Inf
Elf Command x2 2 Inf
Aragorn King of Gondor x1 1 Inf & 1 Cav
Armoured Boromir x1 1 Inf & 1 Cav
Faramir x1 1 Inf & 1 Cav
Theoden x1 1 Inf & 1 Cav
Eomer x1 1 Inf & 1 Cav
Eowyn x1 1 Inf & 1 cav
Glorfindel x1 1 Inf & 1 Cav
Gamling x1 1 Inf & 1 Cav
Beregond x1 1 Inf
Elrond and Gil-Galad x1 2 Inf
Forlong and Angbor x1 2 Inf
Knight of Minas Tirith Standard x1 1 Cav
Guards of the Fountain Court x2 3 Inf
Axemen of Lossarnach x4 3 Inf
Clansmen of Lamedon x4 3 Inf
The Deal is that you get the models at 90% off if you commission the whole thing. That’s $40 for the lot (if you commission assembly/painting). If you just want part (at least a third) it’s 50% off the cost of models. I’ll need interested party to do some footwork to figure out how much that is.
Total Regular Infantry = 188 ($8.50 per figure for painting/assembly)
Total Regular Cavalry = 67 ($15.50 per figure for painting/assembly)
Total Hero Infantry = 14 ($26.50 per figure for painting/assembly)
Total Hero Cavalry = 9 ($32.50 per figure for painting/assembly)
This is for L3 on the basic guys and L5 on the heroes.
You can get a bulk discount of $100 if you commission the whole thing. Oh, it’s a lot, I know, but this might just hit the spot for someone out there.
If you would just like to buy the models the cost is $425 shipped in US ($445 overseas).
Post Script
This is interesting because Bernanke is asked and answers a question about Austrian Economic Theory. I will need to listen to it about eight more times to make any sort of comment. Understand that the Austrian approach (espoused by Ron Paul notably, and others) is opposed in fundamental ways to what the Fed is doing.
That this discussion is even happening in a public forum is a big deal in my estimation.
The other day I was at Wal Mart to pick up some eggs and bread and I realized that I didn’t want anything. Not a single thing in the whole store.
I’m satisfied with what I have. In fact, I am profoundly grateful for what I have. Especially my family. I’m enjoying every minute.
That got me thinking. What makes wealth and satisfaction? If I made a list of everything that I wanted or needed (materially) in this life, what would be on it?
I suppose there are two categories of goods: durable and perishable. Of course, myself and my family need food and heat. Other things, like dishes and clothes are fairly durable. Is it possible for the demand for a certain type of item (like cars) to be filled? And I don’t just mean an individual, but as a nation. How many cars are in the US? Is there a point where we really don’t need to make many more new cars? That’s just one example.
I grew up the 80s and we were poor. Like, “open the cupboard and there’s one can in there” poor. But I never registered that. It felt normal at the time. When I was a senior in High School I was out on my own, working evenings at McDonald’s for $3.25 an hour (PS- the US Dollar has been so inflated in the last hundred years through printing of money its purchasing power has been reduce to less than ten cents in that time) to pay $84 a month in rent. A lady from a local church made sure I had plenty of jam and peanut butter. I would make quadruple decker PB&J sandwiches and wash them down with mighty gulps direct from a gallon of ice cold milk. That was a moment of paradaisical pleasure.
The pan that I fry my eggs in probably has a life of at least ten years.
So, I’m really in a place where I’m just happy with what I have. I want to pay off our debts. That’s the main thing right now. My secondary goal is to improve the situation of people that work at BTP. That would be really great.
Having said all that. I do have goals for the business. The principle one is to move into a better studio. Something with windows and natural sunlight.
Reading this you shouldn’t suppose that I’m unambitious or lazy. Quite the contrary. I want to grow the business up (not out) by enhancing the quality of the operation in every aspect. And I want to grown my personal life more deeply, to concentrate on time and experiences and people rather than things.
I’ve got some other thoughts percolating, too. What if banks are actually a negative net item in a society? What about not retiring and just working to the day I die? Is it possible to save enough resources (not paper money, the gov’t is inflating the supply too quick to make it a sound investment, even at interest) to retire comfortable without any interest-bearing assets? What if I didn’t get any medical care in my old age and just let my body wind down like nature intended?
Movie Review: Battle for Terra
Slap Dash
6000th Subscriber?
Hey, I just noticed that we’re at 5,999 subscribers on our youtube channel.
I wonder who will the the 6000th subscriber.
Check out our shenanigans at
My goal is to put on more and better content. By the end of 2009 I have the following goals:
- Two batreps every month
- More coverage of different games
- More how-to stuff
- 10,000 subscribers with 4500 views in the first 24 hours for the typical video (that’s one view every 20 seconds).