Busy Day

The plan was to put in a full day and get all caught up for Monday. Renn and I had to postpone our game until then. But instead I took off with my daughter for the game shop. Once there I just hung out for like six hours, picking up a few games of Magic and soaking in the atmosphere of a mega-apocalypse game of 40K.
A good friend of ours had his 36th birthday today. We are good friends with he and his wife. They have young kids like us and we trade babysitting a lot. Anyway, his sister-in-law Amy was there and we are both Ron Paul devotees and we fell in talking about politics for an indeterminate amount of time.
I am making good headway with Open Veins, about a third the way through. I still owe you all a review of Meltdown.
Remember, a bank loans money at a 10:1 ratio. They can lend out ten dollars for every dollar on deposit. It is legal, but it is a scam. It allows them to “buy the town” so to speak and make all the Freemen squatters on bank property, spending a third of their lives working for people who neither serve nor produce. And if they manage to bungle that sweet deal, you still have to pay for it through your taxes which finance bailouts. At least that’s the picture that’s shaping up.
Here’s an encouraging blurb from a conference talk:
Throughout His mortal life the Savior taught that we should care for one another and help one another. He healed the sick, caused the lame to walk, restored sight to the blind, and unstopped the ears of the deaf. He taught the people the gospel. He blessed the people and performed many mighty miracles.10
There are opportunities everywhere to help those in need. I submit to you that at some time in our lives, each of us will be poor in some way and will need the help of another person. For “are we not all beggars?”11
President Spencer W. Kimball said: “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other.”12
Last summer when I was away from home, a fierce wind and rainstorm blew through our neighborhood. A huge tree had fallen from my neighbor’s yard, filling my yard and knocking down power lines. The tree needed to be removed before the damage could be repaired and power restored to my home.
Early in the morning I called my brother, who planned to find some equipment and come as soon as he could. I also called my bishop. Within minutes my bishop, home teacher, former stake president, and 10 men from my ward were there with their chain saws and made quick work of this disaster. My visiting teachers brought in dinner that evening. Many more men from the high priests group, the elders quorum, and the neighborhood came on subsequent evenings to assist me and my family in cleaning up the mess.
I was needy on that occasion. I needed help from others. My discouragement turned into joy and gratitude. I felt loved and cared for. These people were quick to recognize one in need. They lived their testimony and demonstrated the reality of their covenants.
At Church headquarters we often receive thank-you notes from people not of our church who have been served by you after a flood, hurricane, earthquake, or other disaster. Thank you for always being willing to serve, love, give, and thus be a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
Read the rest here

Posted on May 10th, 2009 at 3:14am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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    29 Nov 14 at 7:27 am


  2. .

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…


    8 Dec 14 at 6:00 pm



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