
Last night I was sitting on the couch watching a movie with my wife and my baby daughter, Willow.
She is quite the little miracle. She is a temperate baby, smiling and chewing on her fingers. She will quietly go along with what we are doing for hours on end, without so much as a fuss. She never really gets worked up about anything– when she does cry (rarely) we rush over because something must really be distressing her. She is now four months old. Can you believe that?
She likes loud noises. There was a scene in our movie where a fire station alarm goes off and there were sirens. Her eyes got big and she let out a shriek of delight, squirming her baby body as if to try and get into the screen. She loves noise, music, alarms and will sleep through the loudest environment.
She also likes to be held above my head (firmly supported) and rocked slowly as if she were flying. I sing the junior bird song to her and she smiles.
I went out this morning for a walk, but returned quickly for the camera. I took a round of “beautiful stuff” pics. The trees are in bloom. It’s like a coral reef of lime green and pale lavender, and on the surface of the ocean are clouds.
Brightly colored flowers have been planted and bulbs are blooming.
My life is so good it’s scary. My kids are healthy and happy. I’ve got a good wife and a good job. I am ever so grateful from the bottom of my heart. I give the glory to God, who is kind and merciful. I accept from him both good and ill, at His wise will and pleasure.
2 Responses to 'Willow'
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thank you!…
20 Nov 14 at 11:39 pm
ñýíêñ çà èíôó….
22 Nov 14 at 11:26 pm