Terrain Fest Approacheth

Hey folks, just a preliminary heads up that we are likely to do a Terrain Fest in May. Now is the time to set it up!

We no longer do terrain on demand. I plan on doing two or three runs every year, during the warmer months.

So, if you’d like to get an order in, now is the time. We plan on doing somewhere between eight and twelve projects, so space is limited.

Here’s how it works. You set a budget and give general guidelines and we get to work. For example: “I need $300 worth of desert terrain for 40K”.
We need broad artistic license.
Also bear in mind that there is a premium for more complicated sets. “The interior of an Eldar Craftworld” is huuugely more complicated than “arctic wasteland”.
You will also get more terrain for less if you piggback on sets we are already doing.
We do high quality stuff. We don’t skimp on the quality of materials.
Here is the preliminary list of terrain types we are doing. You are not limited to this. You can have your own ideas.
Desert Ruins (fantasy and sci-fi)
Pine Forest
Arctic Wasteland
Jungle City
Savage Tundra
Toxic Dump
Here are some pics of past projects.

I recommend setting a budget of $200 to $800. Every $200 will cover (ie provide enough terrain to play a game, not cover every square inch!) one or two tables depending on density and complexity (ie it takes more terrain to cover a 40K table properly). We will need a half-down deposit.
Shipping is a flat 10% of the project. This still is usually less than the actual cost since shipping companies generally charge for volume for packages this large. That means per square inch if you can believe that.
If you are interested, contact me at bluetablepainting@gmail.com to reserve your slot.
PS- For a $200 set of terrain you will usually get 8-12 pieces of terrain, depending on type, size, scope, complexity and detail.

Posted on April 17th, 2009 at 5:32pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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