April Specials Update

Update on April Specials: I still have two slots open for the ATT special. I have three slots open for the Massed Infantry special. No takers thus far for the Press Gang Special.
These are repeated below for your convenience.
One client thought of the idea of having the pairs of vehicles done as one whole vehicle and another as the wrecked version.
ATT- Armor Two by Two
Get two vehicles painted and get two more painted free.*
Massed Infantry Special
Get 100 infantry painted L2 for $345. Now’s your chance!**
Guardsmen, Gaunts, Skaven, Orks. Those would be good ones.
Press Gang Special
Get your Privateer Press models (Hordes, War Machine) at 35% off. If you choose Artistic License you get 20% off on your painting. Get 40% off on your books if ordered with an army.***
*Here are the details– they must be in pairs. You can’t have a two rhinos painted regular price and then get two land raiders done for free. But you could have a Rhino and a Land Raider done then get two more of the same done free. Tanks don’t need to be the exact same to count as a pair, just similar (so you could pair up a Fire Prism and a Wave Serpent). All the vehicles in a project need to be roughly the same color scheme. Doesn’t apply to Forge World. I have four slots open for this (limited offer). Must ask for the special by name.
**Here are the details– Needs to be simple infantry (eg not loaded up with every accessory). L2 is our most basic work. They need to be all of similar type (ie not ten squads of different colors/types). I ahve four slots open for this (limited offer). Must ask for the special by name. If you want us to buy the models I may be able to get them at a better discount, too.
*** I have two slots open for this (limited offer). Must ask for the special by name.
I’ve found that when I run specials things come up that I haven’t thought of, so I reserve the right to reasonably alter or clarify the specials.

Posted on April 8th, 2009 at 3:02pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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