Archive for December, 2008
Nothing really to say, today. Just another quiet Sunday at home.
It’s time to get to bed. Monday is going to be a good day. A busy day!
I am puttering around with various army lists. I brought home like five army books.
I thought of doing an Empire or Warriors of Chaos (marauder heavy) army using the Lord of the Rings Easterlings and Harad figures. That would be sweet. And un-sell-able and not tournament legal.
So, it’s back to Skaven mentally. I’m going to do an experiment to see if I can jury rig the whole thing from three boxes of Plague Monks and bitz. I think that the new Ork 40k range provides the best feel and practical parts for this. So, think Orks 40K tech mixed with skaven. I got a really good idea for the Warp Lightning Cannon. That alone might make it worth doing.
When I look at an army, I think “will this be fun to play, both with and against?” I think the Skaven will mix up our current army make-up (at the studio: Bretonnians, Dark Elves, Orcs, and Vampire Counts).

Monday and Tuesday
Regular business hours 10am to 6pm. Email until later.
10am to 4pm.
Thursday- Christmas Day
Closed (I’ll probably be on and off email)
Friday and Saturday
Regular business hours 10am to 6pm. Email until later. Though we will probably be playing a few sweet games!
A really, really good way to get a hold of me is via Google Chat (you just need a google email).
I am currently booking projects for January. Best to get started early.
Remember, I have various studio armies for sale. If I had my way, I would divest myself of the whole lot before the new year. It’s a mental thing.
Right now, the living room is clean and my three older children are watching batman cartoons and playing peacefully with their toys, sharing and getting along.
My wife is upstairs giving the little baby a bath and giving her a little baby lotion massage. Her tone is healthy and she is eating well. She is starting to open her eyes and look at us.
At this moment, everything is groovy.
I’m going to enjoy this sixty seconds while it lasts.

If you have any more to add, please email me. I will get up as much good stuff as possible.

This chapter is a real winner. This color scheme and iconography really works.
Note that they have purple armor.
I thought at first it might be cool to use the Thousand Sons type list (ie chaos space marines), I now opine that straight up Space Marines would be great.
Personally, I like to use the “counts as” rule and take the named chapter masters. I would do Pedro Kantor (who changes Sternguard into Troops) as Daenythos, and Tigurious as Sarpedon. That’s a solid HQ core worth about 400 pts. Or they could just be fielded as regular HQ entries. As for the models I think that some basic conversions to Librarian and Captain figures (plenty of plastics for this) would work nicely.
So, I’d suggest those two infantry HQ, three squads of Sternguard (converted from regular plastics with chalice type imagery on them). I’d love to create a chalice type thing for their backpacks. Or just some good back-banners. I can’t get over the shape and color of their banner and icon. That just works on every level. So, that’s thirty rock-hard models weighing in at about 850 points with upgrades.
What next: you’re going to need some troubleshooters. I think a few 6-man tac squads in Razorbacks. Some interchangeable hatches will allow for flexibility between games. I like Razorbacks because they can’t be ignored– they have to be dealt with. And you’ll need that in this army with the Sternguard, because they die like regular marines and have to hit hard and concentrated on things that threaten them.
Additionally, a Razorback body can be later converted into a Whirlwind with judicious use of some bitz.
You’ll need some defenders, too. I’d say a few Dreadnoughts to act as guardians. These also provide flexibility in the form of swappable arms.
Lastly, a Vindicator or two. Or perhaps a pair of much-maligned Whirlwinds.
This list wins by creating a strong mid-range game with too many threats; each unit is a “must deal with”. It is also very flexible and able to meet a variety of threats. Moving in slow and steady and with a strong close combat element (Sternguard have two attacks each and some good kit for hth) for mopping up late game, and also the Razorbacks to cordon off unwanted attention from other units.
Aaaand that about brings it up to 2000 points. Naturally, this list could be vastly different. Probably in the $1500-2000 range to create it (everything included, magically appearing on your doorstep in 30 days).
If you are a 40K veteran and would like to comment on this list, to buff it out or make suggestions, by all means email me at Keep your eyes peeled for input in this post.
Comment from Readers
There is a guy who makes Soul Drinker Pads:
I just wanted to comment on your list idea, as I am a big fan of themed armies. I believe that Pedro only lets the sternguard “count as” troops, and doesn’t change their force chart location. With that in mind, you could swap out tiggy for a techmarine hq. This would let you do two things. first, you can take two dreads as heavy (can anyone say ironclads!?), and also take the conversion beamer as a counts relic. the modeling ideas for both of those are unlimited, and I know your staff is very creative in that area. Just a few ideas for you to think about.
Love the blog,
Hey Shawn, Just saw your blog on the Soul Drinkers and whilst I can’t comment on the composition of your list too much I can tell you a little bit more about the fluff behind the chapter as your list doesn’t ring to true to the fluff.
This is pretty much the plot of a book called Soul Drinker, the first and best in the series of Soul Drinker books, so if you are about to read the book then don’t read on…. Otherwise use this to make shape the list more in tune with the chapter fluff….
Prior to be declared traitors the soul drinkers were a mobile fleet, having a massive fleet. They are a newer warrior centric chapter, with few suits of terminators and even fewer dreadnoughts. The soul drinkers excel in close combat work and specialist in orbital and ship to ship based combats situations.
They are heavily drop pod orientated, with special boarding pods for ship based assaults. The warrior beliefs stem from Dyanathos, a warrior poet in the chapter 10000 years earlier to the time of Sarpedon. Prior to the events that lead to them being declared traitors, the chapter was reigned over by Chapter Master Gorgon, who wore massive power fists (think magneus calgar).
When Sarpedon was sent to to retrieve a lost artifact he was drawn into a power struggle and ultimately betrayed leading to the loss of the artifact again and Sarpedon opening fire on Imperial forces.
Upon returning to the fleet Sarpedon, who is conflicted over the role of the soul drinkers challenges the chapter master to combat for the right to lead the chapter. The fight goes well for Sarpedon but at the height of the battle Sarpedon is transformed and gifted with an arachnid body. The transformation sends massive ripples through the chapter leading to an all out chapter war. Finally winning the war and scuttling the fleet, the soul drinkers go on the run.
Many more of the chapter begin to undergo transformation, but despite their mutations they try to remain true to the imperial way, fighting chaos on a dozen occasions. In later books the chapter, now a fragment of its original size and strength must just fight to stay alive and contend with a schism growing in their ranks concerning their loyalty to the imperium.
Hope this helps. I’m attaching a couple of Soul Drink pics I’ve found on my travels. I really did toy with making a soul drinker army myself but I already have a blood angel force, which works on similar lines and couldn’t justify it. I think it would make a great signature project for Blue Table.
Thanks Paul
Army list by a client according to what I had above:
here is a bare bones list with no upgrades
2000 Pts – Space Marines Roster – blue table list
HQ: Chapter Master Pedro Kantor (1#, 175 Pts)
1 Chapter Master Pedro Kantor @ 175 Pts
Dorn’s Arrow; Frag Grenades; Iron Halo; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Power Fist
1 Dorn’s Arrow @ [0] Pts
HQ: Master of the Forge (1#, 100 Pts)
1 Master of the Forge @ 100 Pts
Artificer Armour; Bolt Pistol; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Servo Harness
1 Servo Harness @ [0] Pts
Elite: Sternguard Veteran Squad (11#, 285 Pts)
9 Sternguard Veteran Squad @ 285 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x9); Bolter (x9); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Special Issue Ammunition; Rhino
1 Sergeant @ [25] Pts
Bolt Pistol; Bolter; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Special Issue Ammunition
1 Rhino @ [35] Pts
Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter
Elite: Sternguard Veteran Squad (11#, 285 Pts)
9 Sternguard Veteran Squad @ 285 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x9); Bolter (x9); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Special Issue Ammunition; Rhino
1 Sergeant @ [25] Pts
Bolt Pistol; Bolter; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Special Issue Ammunition
1 Rhino @ [35] Pts
Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter
Elite: Sternguard Veteran Squad (11#, 285 Pts)
9 Sternguard Veteran Squad @ 285 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x9); Bolter (x9); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Special Issue Ammunition; Rhino
1 Sergeant @ [25] Pts
Bolt Pistol; Bolter; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Special Issue Ammunition
1 Rhino @ [35] Pts
Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter
Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 130 Pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 130 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x4); Bolter (x4); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Razorback
1 Sergeant @ [23] Pts
Bolt Pistol; Bolter; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Razorback @ [40] Pts
Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Twin Linked Heavy Bolter
Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 130 Pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 130 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x4); Bolter (x4); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Razorback
1 Sergeant @ [23] Pts
Bolt Pistol; Bolter; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Razorback @ [40] Pts
Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Twin Linked Heavy Bolter
Heavy Support: Vindicator (1#, 115 Pts)
1 Vindicator @ 115 Pts
Demolisher Cannon; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter
Heavy Support: Venerable Dreadnought (1#, 165 Pts)
1 Venerable Dreadnought @ 165 Pts
Dreadnought CCW; Multi-Melta; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter
Heavy Support: Venerable Dreadnought (1#, 165 Pts)
1 Venerable Dreadnought @ 165 Pts
Dreadnought CCW; Multi-Melta; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter
Total Roster Cost: 1835
Created with Army Builder
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

I picked up a well and happy baby and rested mother from the hospital today. Baby’s various items are in acceptable levels. Everyone is home and happy.
I am at the studio until 9pm tonight, wrapping up loose ends. Then back for regular hours tomorrow (Friday).
Hey all. Last night we had to take little Willow to the hospital late at night with dangerously severe jaundice. It was hugely stressful for all involved. Mother and child will spend two nights there (tonight is the second night). The little baby is getting better rapidly. I pray that nothing else goes wrong.
However, I am in the saddle, putting in a full day of work. I ask that you keep up the orders/inquiries. I need to stay busy and keep the business going. I am here to serve you. I am sometimes tempted to not mention these troubles for that reason.

My wife and I have an arrangement: I take care of the older kids, taking on extra duty, and she sleeps upstairs with the baby. It’s extra work to keep the other kids off her back, but worth it to get a good night’s sleep. Of course, this only works if the mother can stay home with the child.
And sleep I did. I think I slept for twelve hours straight, except one child fell out of the bunkbed, but all is well. Of course, I am in various parts of the house depending on my mood.
This morning, there was a thick blanket of snow outside.
I am serving Tamie breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed; caring to her every whim. The doula came by this morning to check on her, and helped her with the baby whilst she got cleaned up and presentable for the day.
The Relief Society had people assigned to bring pre-prepared food every day, so we’re eating handsomely from all that. It’s really something else, how those sisters just quietly take care of business when a baby comes.
So, I got all the older kids ready for church, easier every time. But the usual rig-marole to find socks. I cut one of my pairs of dress socks down to size for the three year old. And they are having swordfights with pencils in the car whilst I get my things gathered.
Church was awesome as usual. A lot of congratulations. We finished up the book of
Ether in the Book of Mormon in Sunday School. I realized that I am rarely present mentally during church. I’m usually making notes about what I’m going to do on Monday and the coming week. Maybe that’s not all bad– at least it helps me keep things straight; get a good perspective..
After church, the kids played out in the snow, then I fixed them dinner (all re-heat stuff), and we watched Song of the South. You can find it on Youtube. After that we polished up a few items of prep-work for the next day, whistiling Zipitty Doodah.
What else? It’s smooth sailing for the time being. It’s real. It’s actual. Everything is satisfactual.
Thought for Sunday
If god exists, then why does he let bad things happen to good people? Well, I’m not omniscient, so I can’t answer that completely, but I can tell you what I think. I find the question incredibly annoying, to be frank.
The basic problem with the question is that is presumes that things are bad. Sometimes something that seems bad is actually good. For example: I’ve almost gone out of business twice. Each time it taught me something important and forced me to get my act together. Each time I was on my knees, and sometimes on my whole frontside! That was some good spiritual stretching!
Now, I don’t think I’ve suffered as badly as some people. So, I can’t say I’d be so positive if I were to really get crushed. I hope I will keep the faith even in the worst of times.
The proper judgment of whether something is good or bad also needs a proper perspective. An eternal perspective. When a child comes to the world, there is a sad farewell in the pre-mortal world as the soul comes to this vale of darkness to be tested and tempted. From our side, we welcome the newborn babe with joy and open arms. But when someone dies there is a lively homecoming in the spirit world, as the soul wakes up from this sleep and is taken into a community where he or she feels at home.
My kids want to eat candy bars right before bed. I give them a glass of milk instead.
It reminds me of this passage from Matthew 7:
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
I’ve asked for wealth before. Worst possible thing I could have had. Instead I was given some poverty. It prepared me for better things, and more importantly, made me ever so grateful for what I have. The good Lord took away the hole in my head– the voracious hole of covetousness, wanting more and more worldly things. Now I have peace. I recognize the real wealth I have– a sterling wife, four healthy and tender children and a steady job. Thank goodness!
What parent, if they could, would spare his child every shred of pain, disappointment, and heartache from this world? I know I wouldn’t. A life of unabated ease and success is the absolute worst thing that could happen to a soul. In fact, I even invent difficulties for my children in the form of chores.
When I was 17 my mom came home from the wood mill and informed me that I had a full-time job there for the summer; swing shift. Best thing she ever did for me. It hardened my mind and my body. It was hard work beyond belief. I worked side by side with grizzled old-timer mill-hands hauling planks and working heavy saws. It also opened my eyes: get a good education and a good job!
I also think that obedience to the commandments will get rid of about 60-80% of earthly problems. Sometimes the bad things are our own doing. I remember once I ate a whole cannister of ice cream and had a terrible gut-ache. I wailed to my wife, “make the bad man stop!” She looked at me sternly and said, “Shawn, you ARE the bad man!” Re: that my own worst enemy song.
The other problem is that the question doesn’t address what God’s motivation might be. Heavenly Father is a parent with a plan; to try and test and prove the soul of each person. To see if they will be obedient. The Almighty will force no one to get closer to Him. He will open the way, but we must do what we can to be led along and follow his Pleasing Road step by step.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
PS- For those new to the blog you should hear my usual disclaimer. I make no pretense at special goodness or rightness. I am just doing my best day by day. It is my belief that each person is entitled to connect with God as a good Father, each person is a celestial prince or princess; royalty of the highest and most noble order. To receive light and knowledge as one is ready to accept it.

So, as usual, I’m thinking of army concepts and I dusted off my Skaven book. This would be a really nice change of pace from flashy and flighty Elf armies that I normally play.
The major problem with the Skaven are A) that they are being re-done in 2009 it’s rumored, and B) the clanrat models, which you need a LOT of, are really very sad. I despise them. So, the plan is to put in Plague Monk models (which I love and come 20 to a box) as the clanrats. Other items will be converted from these models, as crew (eg Warp Cannon, Jezzails). They’re a fun army.
I also like playing with (and against) armies that are “mortal”, ie they take morale checks. It makes the game a little more exciting.
I’m to a point where I really only want to play friendly games. Sometimes I find myself looking at an army book and trying to figure out the Killer Kombo, and I have to stop myself. That’s not the point at all. I mean, even if the trick army works, it’s not fun for my opponent. I’d rather play a draw than a massacre (even if it’s me doing the massacring). So, with that in mind I’ve started looking at units in terms of how fun they might be to play. I don’ think you can go far wrong with a poco de todo army.
In other news, I have started making a lot of flush trays. You’ll be hearing more about that soon.