You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!
Feels Like Monday
If something sounds fishy about this, then you understand it just fine
My favorite line from Ron Paul’s “The Revolution”.
Pics of the Warp Lightning Cannon
Still needs some work, some polishing. I don’t want the base components to be too identifiable.
Can’t Stop Loving You
Warlock Engineer (1#, 85 Pts)
1 Warlock Engineer @ 85 Pts
Hand Weapon; Supercharged Warp-Power Accumulator; Upgraded Warp-Energy Condenser; Warp-Blades
1 2. Warp Lightning @ [0] Pts
Warlock Engineer (1#, 85 Pts)
1 Warlock Engineer @ 85 Pts
Hand Weapon; Supercharged Warp-Power Accumulator; Upgraded Warp-Energy Condenser; Warp-Blades
1 2. Warp Lightning @ [0] Pts
Chieftan (1#, 74 Pts)
1 Chieftain @ 74 Pts
General; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour
1 Bands of Power @ [25] Pts
Clanrats (30#, 230 Pts)
28 Clanrats @ 230 Pts
Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield
1 Clawleader @ [15] Pts
Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield
1 Ratling Gun Team @ [60] Pts
Ratling Gun; Skirmishers
Clanrats (30#, 230 Pts)
28 Clanrats @ 230 Pts
Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield
1 Clawleader @ [15] Pts
Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield
1 Ratling Gun Team @ [60] Pts
Ratling Gun; Skirmishers
Clanrats (30#, 230 Pts)
28 Clanrats @ 230 Pts
Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield
1 Clawleader @ [15] Pts
Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield
1 Ratling Gun Team @ [60] Pts
Ratling Gun; Skirmishers
Poisoned Wind Globadiers (6#, 60 Pts)
6 Poisoned Wind Globadiers @ 60 Pts
Hand Weapon; Poisoned Wind Globes; Skirmishers
Warplock Jezzails (6#, 120 Pts)
6 Warplock Jezzails @ 120 Pts
Hand Weapon; Jezzail; Skirmishers
Warplock Jezzails (6#, 120 Pts)
6 Warplock Jezzails @ 120 Pts
Hand Weapon; Jezzail; Skirmishers
Warplock Jezzails (6#, 120 Pts)
6 Warplock Jezzails @ 120 Pts
Hand Weapon; Jezzail; Skirmishers
Warp-Lightning Cannon (1#, 100 Pts)
1 Warp-Lightning Cannon @ 100 Pts
Giant Rat Pack (14#, 60 Pts)
12 Giant Rats @ 60 Pts
2 Packmaster @ [0] Pts
Hand Weapon; Whip; Light Armour
Giant Rat Pack (14#, 60 Pts)
12 Giant Rats @ 60 Pts
2 Packmaster @ [0] Pts
Hand Weapon; Whip; Light Armour
Night Runners (5#, 25 Pts)
5 Night Runners @ 25 Pts
Hand Weapon; Skirmishers
Clanrat Slaves (20#, 40 Pts)
20 Clanrat Slaves @ 40 Pts
Hand Weapon
Clanrat Slaves (20#, 40 Pts)
20 Clanrat Slaves @ 40 Pts
Hand Weapon
Clanrat Slaves (20#, 40 Pts)
20 Clanrat Slaves @ 40 Pts
Hand Weapon
Total Roster Cost: 1719
Created with Army Builder
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.
You might try nixing the Chieftain for a Warlord – twice the point cost – but think about your opponent’s face when they find out your slaves have leadership 10 – priceless. Also, the Chieftain isn’t likely to do much, even with the bands of power – you could put your Warlord in the back to help protect him or up front w/ GW for some heavy hitting power – or add the Chieftain as a BSB for the extra re-roll on break tests – again keeping him in the rear rank.
Also, 18 Jezzails are a lot – likely to get ate up by flyers and such, and with their BS, really only (very) useful for mounted stuff and monsters – consider taking only 12 – better yet, 8.
For the Warlock Engineers – Storm Daemon and dispel scroll is a must – also consider the warpscroll – very useful. Remember a lot of Armies now have pretty good magic phases (Demons, VC, Lizardmen, High Elves, Dark Elves) – so, having the extra warp lightning spell can help (2-lvl 2 and 1-lvl 1).
I’m a fan of Gutter Runners – particularly tunnelling teams – I know they’re expensive, and pretty random – but, I love seeing them come up in front of 2 or 3 warmachines on a hill, or in range of a lone wizard. Plus, they’re scouts.
Oh, and musicians for Slaves – it only takes losing combat instead of drawing once to make a believer out of you.
– Todd
Yearly Chaos Incursion
Begin Transmission
Repetition of General Directive 264-A-XCIV
To: Distribution, Sectorium Primus From: Office of The Grand Inquisitor, Ebineezar Grinchanius Re: Yearly Chaos Incursion
This purpose of this notice is to remind the forgetful of the annual visitation by the minion of Chaos known to the unworthy as Santa Claus.
+++ The Emperor’s Light Banishes the Shadows of Heresy +++
As the diligent will recall, the incursion occurs regularly every 8742 to 8766 terran hours, roughly corresponding to a terran year. This trespass has occurred with disturbing regularity since at least the Horus Heresy, and perhaps longer, as many records were misplaced.
+++ Love and Obey the Emperor +++
The faithful will recognize the target on sight, as his garb and gear mark him immediately as an agent of the abominations.
Santa Claus is a corpulent, bloated creature approximating the human form. It wears a crimson tunic the color of fresh blood, marking him as a possible follower of Khorne. It is bearded, mocking the honorable squats, and its hair is a sallow shade of gray, betraying its unnatural age. Be advised that despite the creatures fearsome name, no claws have been observed, and the former is likely a ruse.
The target has been observed in the company of smaller creatures having the appearance of thin (less than 30 kg, approx.), stunted (1.5 meters) humanoids with pointed ears. Their appearance suggests the involvement of the decadent Eldar, and although that race denies involvement (*reference the Rudolphian Campaign [index 111-BGE-MMXCII- Primus], specifically the Battle of Yukon Coneliaus IV [ibid., index 6]*), agents are advised to be prepared for their involvement, as the Eldar are known for their deceitful ways.
Santa Claus is conveyed by means of a grav-sled powered by unnatural livestock as detailed below.
The target’s vehicle is a grav-sled. It has superfluous runners which are used only on landing and take-off. Despite the appearance, no frozen water is necessary for its operation (another ruse). The vehicle’s resemblance to the foul Palanquin of Nurgle should not be discounted, even though the colors continue to be reminiscent of Khorne.
The device is powered by the unholy ministrations of eight or nine quadrupeds. Ordo Malleus scholars have identified these creatures as warped versions of an extinct species of terran mammal known as a Moose (reference 900002-ER-CIV). These beings single-mindedly pull the target’s vehicle during its yearly invasion. They are outfitted with belled harnesses which are apparently imbued with the ability of flight. These beasts have been likened to the Fiends of Slaanesh, and such a comparison should not be dismissed too lightly, as the creatures shed a luminous substance as effluent as they move. Inquisitors should take care to avoid exposure.
Perhaps more disturbing is the variable number of the minion- creatures. On occasion, a ninth Moose has been observed, placed before the other Mooses. This creature radiates a sickly reddish glow from its snout, as a psychic beacon to other followers of the Vile Ones. This Chaotic device has allowed the target to navigate despite our best efforts to jam its navigation systems.
+++ Blessed is the Virtue of Blind Faith +++
Santa Claus gains entry to the domiciles of loyal Imperial Citizens (see below) and leaves small Chaos Rewards to tempt the faithful.
Inquisitors are reminded to confiscate and incinerate these items before any lasting damage is done. As a localized temporal distortion field is in effect around the target, these items are secreted in the habitations of the Imperium at exactly 2400 hours in every location defiled by the creature. It is therefore possible to gain entry to the citizens’ cretches and remove the items (often cunningly hidden in footwear) before the citizens are aware of the heresy that has been committed upon them.
In other cases, removal of the items after the citizens have discovered them is possible. In such situations, small children are occasionally loath to surrender the items, as the tainting of the juveniles has already begun. Executions of the above are to be handled in the most expedient manner possible.
Often, juveniles that are well within the Emperor’s Grace are given small blocks of graphite ore rather than the more tempting gifts visited upon the less faithful. The identity of these individuals are to be recorded, as future recruitment into the Inquisition or Adeptus Terra is possible. [Note: Inquisitors or other agents who do *not* receive the graphite stones should be watched carefully]
Santa Claus enters the domiciles be way of heating ducts and waste vents. The size of the opening is not a factor, as the creature can adjust its mass and displacement by means of psychic manipulation. Mining these openings with frag, krak and other demolitions has proven unsuccessful.
The creature egresses by the same means, after ritually caressing his nostrils. No mucus has ever been recovered.
+++ The Death of Emperor’s Enemies is the Only Gift We Can Give +++
Although all previous attempts at the destruction of Santa Claus have failed, Inquisitors are urged to make such an attempt whenever possible. However, of more importance is the suppression of cultist activity associated with the yearly incursion. The Tainted have been known to erect shrines in their homes in the form of shrubbery adorned with baubles and lights [Note: the shrubbery is often highly inflammable, and offers a discrete method of executing the offending heretics without calling undue attention to the operation]. Other warning signs include: hallucinations involving sugared candies during slumber; excessive singing; references to ‘A magical time of year’ (note the influence of Tzeentch); the construction of effigies made of snow; and the performance of Slaanishi rituals while underneath plant clippings of the genus phoradendron flavescens.
Once again, executions should be handled in an expedient manner.
End Transmission
PS- I just got a kind compliment about how imaginitive I am to have written this. I didn’t write this.
Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone has a great time over the Holidays.
Along with everyone at BTP I extend a heartfelt thank you and well wishes.
Baby Willow (our “Adepticon” baby) is doing well. She is a healthy shade of pink (rather than orange, yellow, purple and red).
Shawn and Family
PS- my Christmas wish is that clients with projects completed will pay for those, and that new projects will get set up. That will really take my stress level down a few notches. So, you can still email me and even call (on Christmas Eve before 6pm). We will be back to normal operation as of this Friday.
Combat Calculator
Check out this Combat Calculator for Warhammer Fantasy.
Lizardmen Update now improved with Eye Candy
Here’s some new eye candy for Lizardmen, due out in February 2009.
I picked these up from Warseer. You can read all the rumors, army list glimpses here.
Monday December 22 2008 Mousetrap
Eldrad (Farseer)
Maugan Ra
Harlequins with Kiss (blister of 2 models) L5
12 (24 models total)
Harlequin Shadowseer L5
Support Weapon Platform (blister of 3 models) Vibrocannons