Now Booking Projects for August

Blue Table Painting is a well-oiled machine. We have produced no less than 600 armies in the last four and a half years. We love our customers, give top service, and the best possible price the first time.

I put my face and name and reputation on what comes out of this studio. I want to win and keep you as a client long-term. I wring my hands at night about projects being on time and up to par.

The following slots are open for painting:

July 28 to August 4: Two Slots
August 4-11: Four Slots

Any project in need of Assembly can get immediate attention.

I have the following specials running:

  • Tank factory
  • Vampire Counts core-tastic special ($2.75 for L2 painting on basic troops/infantry)
I have the following armies for sale:
  • Questing Knights (2000 pts) $950
  • Dragons of Moloch (2000 pts) $950
My phone number is 801 372 8545. I will be more than happy to set up anything on the phone with you, if you want. Otherwise, just drop me an email saying what you would like done.

The inside story is that the crew is powering through projects way faster than they are coming in. The product is good. The artists are dedicated.

Posted on July 15th, 2008 at 1:36pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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  1. HellOOOOO?! “Truthsayer”?

    I’m still waiting on those links.


    5 Aug 08 at 5:08 am



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