You’ve Got that Orky Feeling
Thank you so much for the over nighting of the Ork minatures. They look so awseome. Whats even kooler, is I played in a rogue trader today and won first place overall and ALSO first place for themed army.
You guys rock, and my army was a great advertisment, I built a 2′ X 2′ carrying board as well so prety much there was a blue table painted army up all day on display at our local Warhammer shop.
Also, please thank the artist personally. He did a tremendous job and the second batch looked identical to the first. So kool. I wont have money for another order for several months. So, if that artist was thinking about leaving any time in the future could you give me an advance and I would try and get some models into him before he were to leave. That seems highly unlikely but just in case.
Thanks Again,
M. Cross