You’re the Important Thing
I have now cleared my Inbox.
I am never too busy to talk to a client. I am always biting my nails that a BTP customer will have a good experience.
So, when I mention that I’m working a long day to clear the Inbox, don’t be shy about contacting me. I’m not too busy.
Blue Table Painting is more than making money. For me, it’s a chance to get to know people. It may sound strange but I want to grow old with my clients. I want them to shed a tear when my children get married, or in forty years when my funeral arrangements are being made.
I have decided to NOT grow the business beyond a certain point. It’s got to be a fun, enjoyable, personal experience to be worth it.
Soooo, when I mention the full Inbox, that’s by way of apology/explanation and not a “closed” sign!
When you call, and I pick up you become the “Important Thing I have to do Right Now” and NOT an interruption.