Thursday May 29 2008 Pulling a Homer
Picture: an Empire Wizard plastic kit re-imagined as a Heirophant for an Inquisitor and Retinue.
[At the time of this writing it is 3am and I’m watching the Simpsons. “Who would have thought a Nuclear Reactor would have been so complicated.”]
My day began, unwillingly, at 2am this morning. I started clearing ye ole inbox until I fell asleep to an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise at around 4am. Episode was “The Observer Effect”. It’s a good one, mentally stimulating.
I got up again around 8am, went out and fed the two rabbits and the guinea pig. Those rodents got it good with a daily dose of greens and veggies. I re-filled their water bottles. As usual everyone was sleeping in. Funny, once you get rid of the alarm clocks, everything sort of falls into a natural schedule. We go to sleep when we’re tired and get up when we’re not tired any more.
Tamara is having a rough pregnancy: heightened sense of smell and nausea and overpowering lethargy. Yet she still managed to make me breakfast this morning: eggs, bacon and toast. We ate that over a book catalogue at the dining room table.
Reading for the day:
I would absolutely love to hear what you think.
Most of the big news has to do with new crew down at the studio. However, I am in the habit of waiting 3-6 months before face time. Not an iron-clad rule. Let’s just say that shaping up very, very nicely. Each time I “cast the net” there are more and better applicants.
Of course, my objective is to get the crew set in place and have no turnover. But things are proceeding apace; a solid core of old-timers with a natural progression of new recruits. As it stands now, we’re set. My goal is to form an elite cadre of professionals; a phalanx of trust-worthy artists who will grow along with Blue Table Painting.
I was hoping to have a game with Renn, but we were both toooo busy. We made a Forge World order today. I picked up a Chaos Hell Talon for a client. Renn is getting a Bloodthirster for his “Yellow Devils” army. We’re playing a game tomorrow for sure. I plan on doing final documentation on the studio Tau Verdaan army.
I managed to get a few projects through digital photography and get home by about 9pm where I found my loving family watching Ben 10. I actually really like that show. It’s like Scooby Doo but with science fiction, and doesn’t suck. Ooooooh! I went there, girl-friend.
I wonder how my life will go. I wonder how I will die in the end. I hope I die in my sleep at a reasonable age. I’d like to write my memoirs. I want to bless my children and grand-children. I don’t want to grow like really, really old. I do plan on working until the bitter end. No retirement for me. Maybe lighter hours would be nice.