Sunday March 30 2008 Winter of the Soul

First off, I don’t know why people read this blog, but it seems to do well.

WARNING! No game-related material today

This is not only the record of Blue Table Painting, but also of a human life. I write it for friends and family as well as for clients.

I would hope to call you my friends.

Last night I came home after a long day in the terrain room. Renn and I spent quite a few man-hours on a super-secret project, which you won’t get to see until about three weeks from now. It will be unveiled at Adepticon. I’m not saying it’s especially good. In fact, after seeing some of the club projects from last year, I know it won’t be competitive in that regard. But hey it’s what we made and there it is.

I got home and fell asleep on the couch. I was exhausted. Then I heard the thump of a wide-awake Griffin kicking his door (he lays on his back and kicks the door in protest when he doesn’t want to go to sleep). So I went up there with a blanket and pillow, turned on his waterfall nighlight, read him a story, sung him a song* and then snuggled with him until he fell asleep.

Then I fell asleep. It was like 2am when my wife came in and extracted me.

Griffin is my special little guy. We have a bond. I understand him. He’s like me. He watches my every move.

This morning I got up to find that Griffin had figured out how to peel a hard-boiled egg by himself. He was clutching the peeled egg triumphantly. I think he ate like six of them. I was cleaning egg shells from all over the house. That’s where he’s like me. He knows what he likes and he wants a lot of it.

Tamie was up until the wee hours last night going over old journals, photographs, and memorabilia. Her best friend since kindergarten died last week. She has been crying on and off these last days. Anything can set her off. So, this morning she was sleeping in.

This morning it was gently snowing, the powderiest of snow that doesn’t stick to the road but piles up six inches deep on the grass and branches. I went for my usual walk expecting to find some peace, but I am just wracked with pain mind, body and soul. I am really out of it. I even made two rounds. But to no avail. What’s going on?

We got to church early and actually got a good pew. It was the usual—drawing pictures of dinosaurs for an hour to keep Griffin entertained. The Elders were blessing the sacrament today and that was really a blast from the past (normally, only the younger priests do it).

By the end of the day I felt at peace. It was like my heart was a piece of driftwood—light and bleached out by the sun and the shedding of tears.

This afternoon I downed a bowl of rice krispie treats and chocolate milk. Yum. And one of my wife’s amazing salads. Yes, she can even make a salad good. Then off to visit my two home teaching families.

I’m a huge fan of home teaching. I think there’s an enormous power to looking after someone on a regular basis. Just checking in to let them know they’re loved, wanted, and that someone is there if they need a hand. You NEVER know when someone who you think is strong is having a rough time. Of course, a church program isn’t needed for this… but it doesn’t hurt!

Yeah, it all turned out all right.
And as of the writing of this entry, I’m watching an episode of Chowder with my daughter. Hi-larious. That one and Storm Hawks are shows I like just as much as my kids.
*Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree – a Mormon children’s song.

Posted on March 31st, 2008 at 2:36am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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