Saturday February 22 2008
It’s Paint Fest day and we had seven people all painting down at the studio. I shot a couple vids of that.
We’re gearing up for a Battle Report tonight. It won’t be up until later tonight, maybe as late as Monday.
Roach Nids vs. Lions Rampant 1000 pts.
Get in da mood with this inspirational music.
I shot quite a bit of footage of the Dark Heresy game, but editing and splicing that it low on the priorities list. Let’s just say it was disturbing and had everyone thinking about it afterwards. What happens when a normal family, on a farm, on a paradise world is corrupted by chaos? The last band of acolytes didn’t do their job, and were merciful, and now a whole town has to be burned to the ground. It was grim. It was dark.
More to come.
Session in Progress
From 11am to 2pm on Friday, February 21 we’ll be in session for Dark Heresy and my phone will be off. That’s Mountain Time
Dark Heresy Session 01 Prologue
Rocking slightly in his seat, Barbosa Callidon ceases his mutteringlong enough to answer: “As a light will invariably create a shadow, sotoo does the happiness of these people cause suffering to otherselsewhere. Such a life, while enjoyable, is not the stuff of theImperium. All must give as they are able, and take as they require.These people take everything they want and need from others, and givelittle in return.”
“Don’t make no diferece to me either way Lord” As Stygga diggs in her ear.”I’m at home any where you send me”
“Gime my ‘Vera’ (Auto gun) and some shells. Point me at the Gits. Yousays who gets it. I make em lay down, for ever”
“Sounds like a good lot to me lord”
Preacher Mirsad’s face twists into disgusted scowl at Barbosa’s typically’psyker’ answer.”Always speaking in riddles…” he thinks to himself. He tightens his grip onhis war hammer and replies in a voice that fills the cabin…”It is not given to men that they should take as they desire. Only the ImmortalEmperor, blessed be his name, has the right to take. All others must do as he willsthem. His will is that men must be made strong through war, hunger, and trials. There are nocivilians in the battle for survival. All those who will not fight become the enemies of Him OnEarth.”Mirsad pulls out his Aquila necklace and touches each bead in turn as he mumblesthe Emperor’s Divine Works softly to himself.
Busy thoroughly servicing his lasgun, Kaltos glances up to reply. “AllI need is my trusty lasgun a couple charge packs and something to shootat…….but if you ask me these people live a life of blindignorance. There’s always going to be a conflict whether its a greatbeast or a Tyranid hive fleet.”“But I must be here for a reason or you wouldent have asked for myservices.”
"Ultra" Compliment
Ultramarines army arrived this week. All is well. I’m very happy the result to say the least. Everything looks great! The true test will be getting the stuff on the table of course. It really was worthwhile to just bypass the time I’d have spent painting all these models – very much worth every penny.Also, thanks for your pleasant demeanor and service. I will definitely be adding to this army, and I will definitely be using Blue Table Painting to do that. My whole experience with you was seamless, and the results were even better than expected.
Kind regards and fun gaming to you and your able crew,
Jay Dickinson
San Francisco, CA
Wednesday February 20 2008
- Bretonnians 01 JE
- Empire 01 RH
- Witch Hunters 01 RH
- Road Warrior Orcs 01 RT
- Skaven and Guard 01 TL (might be up to 14 days)
- Biel Tan 02 AS (almost done)
- War Machine 01 JB
- Tzeentch 02 JS bf
- Ice Nids 01 JA
- Chaos Flyers 01 FC ni
- Tyranids 04 JC
- Menoth 12 GQ
- Eldar 01 GS
- Vampires 02 DF
- Valhallans 01 VF er
- Hordes 05 JL bf
- Fictional Reality 03 MT er
I’m hoping to catch them up for next week’s painting cycle.
What else? We’re all gearing up for the Dark Heresy game this Friday.
Oh, and Batrep fans rejoice. We’re doing on this Friday!
Aaaaand the Paint Fest this Saturday.
I’m trying to drop some LBs, the first time in my life I’ve been worried about weight and health. I’m turning 39 soon.
I left the studio around 9:00pm and I made this little 360.
When I got home the kids were already in bed. I was disappointed but it’s my own fault for not working faster today. I downed a subway sandwich and a 1/4 litre of root beer on the way home, so no dinner. I’m finishing up an episode of Scrubs then it’s off to bed.
Ah, and I still have some slots open in mid-March. I’d really like to get all of March set up before the end of February (in eight days).
Tuesday February 19 2008
Picture: Trygon by Forge World. This is an addition to the infamous “Salsa Verde Nids”. See the other pics here.
I am so insanely tired. That’s all I have to say. As usual, today was very, very busy.
So, I will talk to you all tomorrow.
Monday February 18 2008
Picture: a Tau battlesuit. See the rest here.
I was up at 2:30am this morning, and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I caught up on Scrubs and got to work on the ole inbox. I went back to sleep at about 4:30am and slept until the family started stirring about 8:00am. I hurried down the studio where I left my car over the weekend. Icicles had formed on the underside, and were so long as to reach the ground like frozen pillars.
The winter is long and bitter. I’ve never longed for summer before.
The following projects were finished today, and pics are up:
- Tau 04 TO (we’re very pleased with how this turned out, it’s L3 work if you like that style we’d be thrilled to do a whole army like that.
- Imperial Guard 03 RF
- Dwarfs 03 KO
Mike and Joseph were in so that Joseph could download key knowledge as they worked elbow to elbow. Joseph is leaving next week and I am very sad. Jokingly, I curse him out and tell him what a bastage he is. So, we need to be sure that someone else has all the artist’s notes and techniques to be sure that projects have continuity. This is the secret circle of art around here.
Joseph really added a lot to the crew. He practically invented a new style of painting in these last few months. have a SINGLE slot for the March 4-11 painting cycle. Does anyone want it? After that the calendar is open. I am short on projects currently.
When I finally slogged home at 7pm, we had Family Home Evening: a lesson on “free agency” and then watching a Spongebob movie together.
Me so tie-red.
PS- I’m adding this two hours later. My wife and I fell asleep during Sponge Bob, leaving our two year old to run the house. He pulled two dozen eggs out of the fridge and plastered his room with them. I wonder how long that was percolating in his little baby brain.
Sunday February 17 2008
Saturday February 16 2008
Nice Nurgle